Former AOA Member Mina Apologizes For The “Disturbing Posts” And Shares Final Update On Jimin

She said she got to sit and talk with Jimin.

Content Warning

This article includes descriptions of suicide or self harm that may disturb some readers.

Following her series of Instagram posts exposing the past decade of AOA‘s Jimin allegedly bullying her, former AOA member Mina shared another update…

Former AOA Member Mina @kvwowv

… explaining that she and Jimin came face to face to talk.

AOA’s Jimin

A couple hours ago, all the members and managers showed up at my door. We sat down and talked.

— Mina

In the post, Mina first apologized for the “disturbing posts” and assured her fans that she is okay.

I had a lot of people come see me at my place. I’m sorry for making everyone worry.

— Mina

Then, Mina shared, “Jimin came to see [her] at home.”

I kept telling her and after a while, Jimin began apologizing over and over again. So… she said sorry and I accepted her apology. I let her leave. The other members and I talked a bit more. I promised them that I’ll work on getting better and that I won’t make any bad decisions.

— Mina

Though Mina recalled Jimin being upset at first, she added that “Jimin apologized” eventually.

I know I still don’t see Jimin in a good way — even in this post. I admit it. I don’t even really remember her apologizing. I can only replay her showing up at my door angry. But like I said, I’m so angry that I can’t help this… I can’t change my mind that quickly. But I’ll try. I said I would.

— Mina

Mina promised her fans that she’ll continue getting professional help and working on recovering from her traumatic past.

Mina’s Instagram @kvwowv

I’m going to calm down and get professional help. I’m going to try harder. And I’ll never cause such a disturbance again. I’m really sorry. I’m sorry. I’m going to work on becoming better each day. I know I made things difficult for a lot of people today…

— Mina

Read the full translation below:

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우선 오늘 제 감정을 스스로 참지못하고 하루종일 떠들석하게 만들고 많은 사람들에게 피해를 주게 된 점 죄송합니다..읽기 불편한 기사들도 계속 올라왔을거고 뭐 혹시나 누군가에게는 모르고 싶은 일이였을수도 있고 집에도 많은 사람들이 찾아와주고 걱정을 끼쳐드려서 죄송합니다 그래도 연예인이라는 직업을 가진 사람이 해서는 안 될 행동들과 말이 많았으니까요..그냥 정말 죄송합니다 몇시간 전에 모든 멤버들과 매니저분들도 제 집 까지 다 와주었고 대화를 했어요 처음에 지민언니는 화가 난 상태로 들어와 어이가 없었고 이게 사과 하러 온 사람의 표정이냐고 전 물었죠 막 실랑이 하다가 언니가 칼 어딨냐고 자기가 죽으면 되냐고 하다가 앉아서 이야기를 하게 됬어요 그리고 기억이 안난다고 했어요 저는 계속해서 당한것들을 이야기 했고 물론 저도 제 정신은 아니였을테고 언니는 잘 기억을 못하더라구요 이런적은 있고 저런적은 없고 이야기 하는데 저도 전부 다 기억할 수 없지만 생각나는건 눈 똑바로 쳐다보고 이야기 해나갔어요 언니는 장례식장에서 다 푼걸로 생각하더라구요 그러기엔 장소가 장례식장이고 그날만큼은 위로해주러 간거였고 연락도 그날은 잘 했고 자기가 한 행동을 기억 못 하는 이 언니가 어쨌든 미안해 라고 말했으니 언니 입장에서는 충분히 그렇게 생각들 수 있는 상황들이였어요 맞아요 근데 11년 고통이 어떻게 하루만에 풀릴수가 있지? 그날 제가 당한거에 대해서는 오고간 대화가 없었고, 그 장소에서 어떻게 그런 대화를 할수있나요 당연히 전 그날만 진심으로 위로해주었고 그 후론 다시 저였죠 하루 아침에 너무 고장난 제가 바로 제정신이 될수는 없잖아요;;아무튼 전 계속 말을 이어 나갔고 그 후로는 언니는 듣고 미안해 미안해 말만 했고 어찌됬건 사과 했고 전 사과 받기로 하고 그렇게 언니 돌려보내고 남은 멤버들과 더 이상 저도 나쁜 생각같은건 정신차리기로 약속하고 끝났어요 하늘에서 두 아버지가 보고계실거라고 믿어요 거짓말을 쓸수는 없으니까..음 솔직히 처음에 언니 모습 생각하면 언니는 죄책감을 느끼지 못하나 싶었어요 아무튼 그래도 미안하다라는 말을 계속 들었고..네 들었죠..들었는데..음 사실 뭐라고 써야할지 모르겠어요 솔직히 진심어린 사과하러 온 모습은 제 눈에는 안보였는데 이거는 제 자격지심 일수도 있고 워낙에 언니한데 화가 나 있는 사람이라 그렇게 보려고 한건지..언니는 진심이였을수도 있으니 뭐라 단정 지을순 없겠네요 일단 이제 이 이야기를 정리해야하니깐..저도 이제 진정하고 꾸준히 치료 받으면서 노력하고, 더 이상은 이렇게 소란피우는 일 없도록 하겠습니다 정말 죄송합니다..죄송합니다..앞으로 조금씩 조금씩 고쳐나가려고 노력할께요 오늘 저 때문에 피해본 사람들도 참 많은데 정말 죄송합니다…….솔직히 이 글에서도 제가 그 언니를 좋게 써내려가진 못하는 것 같아요 네 인정할께요 사실 뒤에 사과한거는 생각도 안나고 화나서 온 첫 장면만 반복해서 떠오르네요 제가 삐뚤어질대로 삐뚤어져서 당장은 안고쳐져요………하지만 이것도 노력해야죠 그러기로 했고..이제 이 일에 대해서 언급하거나 또 글을 올리거나 말도 안가리고..그러지 않을께요..글도 잘 못써서 뭐라고 쓴건지도 모르겠지만 아무튼 다시 한번 죄송합니다..

A post shared by 권민아 우리액터스 actress (@kvwowv) on

First of all, I would like to apologize for being unable to control my emotions and causing a lot of ruckus today. I know I’ve caused trouble for a lot of people and I’m sorry… And I’m sure there has been a lot of press coverage on this… but I know some people might not have wanted to know all the disturbing details. I had a lot of people come see me at my place. I’m sorry for making everyone worry. I’m a celebrity after all — and so some of the things I said and did should not have been said and done. I’m really sorry.

A couple hours ago, all the members and managers showed up at my door. We sat down and talked. At first, I was really flustered because Jimin came upset. I asked her if she came to apologize or to get mad at me. We argued some more. Jimin kept asking for a knife, saying things like “Would everything be resolved if I disappeared?” and so on. But we ended up sitting down and talking.

She kept telling me that she doesn’t remember. I told her everything I remember. Of course, I wasn’t in my right mind then so I don’t remember the details. But I looked her in the eyes and explained what she did or didn’t do to me. She couldn’t remember. It turned out Jimin thought we made up at her father’s funeral. I get it, if she really doesn’t remember what she did to me — but apologized to me anyway, I guess she could have thought that everything was resolved.

But it was at a funeral. I went there to show my respect and be there for her at least on that day. How does one day resolve 11 years of pain? Plus, we didn’t talk about what happened at all. How could we talk about something like this at a place like that? So on that day, I focused on consoling her. The next day, I was back to being me. I can’t fix what’s broken overnight.

Anyway, I kept telling her and after a while, Jimin began apologizing over and over again. So… she said sorry and I accepted her apology. I let her leave. The other members and I talked a bit more. I promised them that I’ll work on getting better and that I won’t make any bad decisions. I’m sure the two fathers are looking down on us now.

I mean, I can’t write lies… so, to be honest, when Jimin showed up at my door… I didn’t think she felt guilty at all. But she kept saying sorry… Yes, I heard her… But hm. I really don’t know how to explain this. Honestly, I didn’t see a person who felt genuinely sorry. But I could be biased because I’m so angry at her. I could’ve been trying to see the worst in her. She could’ve meant it, so I don’t want to assume. Anyway, I’d like to wrap up my story.

I’m going to calm down and get professional help. I’m going to try harder. And I’ll never cause such a disturbance again. I’m really sorry. I’m sorry. I’m going to work on becoming better each day. I know I made things difficult for a lot of people today, I sincerely apologize……

And I know I still don’t see Jimin in a good way — even in this post. I admit it. I don’t even really remember her apologizing. I can only replay her showing up at my door angry. But like I said, I’m so angry that I can’t help this… I can’t change my mind that quickly. But I’ll try. I said I would… I’m not going to talk about this again. I’m not going to post about it anymore, I won’t ramble on like this either… And I don’t even know how to write eloquently so I don’t know if I’ve been making any sense. But anyway, I’m really sorry.

— Mina

Former AOA's Mina vs. Jimin's Bullying Allegations

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