Former Idol Exposes “K-Pop Lies” In New Viral TikTok

Former Momoland member Daisy has exposed “lies” in K-Pop in a new viral TikTok.

Daisy is known for her TikToks about the industry, and she recently posted a new video of “K-Pop Lies.”
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The first point Daisy made was explaining, while saying that it wasn’t “rules” but own experiences, was about signatures. There is current controversy about auto-pen being used for sign albums, but while she hadn’t heard about it, there were times she knew of staff signing instead of the artists, especially when it’s done in bulk.
She even added there were other things staff did for idols but she wasn’t mentioning them as it would get “legal.”
The next point was about the reason for “hiatuses” and “injuries.” Daisy explained that while she hoped they weren’t lying most of the time, some cases saw companies lying about the reasons. She even referred to her own hiatus, which the article was going to say was a “health hiatus” rather than the real reason, and her threats made them change it to “personal reasons.”
The final “lie” used the term lightly, as Daisy spoke about “Live AR,” which is sometimes played on music shows and is different from the original recording. She said it was very common and wasn’t “shady” but was recorded at the studio or before the show. It is done in a way that convinces it to be live; it has to be done while jumping or doing the choreography during recording.
Daisy then emphasized that sometimes, the idols can’t choose if they use AR, it’s a lack of resources for everyone to sing live that can link to the decision. The music show has the ability to tell idols how to perform.
When the video was posted, it immediately garnered attention, and fans shared their reactions to what Daisy said, including their own thoughts and even examples of what had been said in the video.