FT ISLAND’s Minhwan Apologizes After Being Criticized For Pitching With His Baby

The baby is okay, but netizens aren’t.

On June 8, 2019, FT ISLAND‘s Minhwan pitched for the South Korean baseball team Hanhwa Eagles. While a lot of celebrities do throw the first pitch for different baseball teams, Minhwan is receiving a tremendous amount of criticism because he decided to do it with his baby strapped to him.

This pitch, scheduled to air on an episode of Mr. House Husband Season 2, had already been gaining attention of the public because of Yulhee’s decision to appear as “former LABOUM member”.


Minhwan appeared with his son, strapped to his front with baby straps. He pitched the ball at Yulhee, his wife, who was up for batting. In this process, Minhwan caused his baby’s neck to bend way out of range back and forth. Sports fans and viewers alike grew extremely concerned with the baby’s condition after watching the pitch and how Minhwan’s movement impacted the baby.


Since then, Minhwan’s baby has been confirmed to be okay. However, the video of Minhwan pitching regardless to his baby has gone viral and controversial. Netizens began leaving criticism on Minhwan’s Instagram account. Once the video received negative reviews, the Hanhwa Eagles deleted the said pitching video from their official YouTube channel EaglesTV.


Minhwan also released a formal apology via his Instagram and confirmed that his son is okay. He shared a picture of himself holding and kissing the baby. He claimed he was “too happy to be invited to such an honorable event” and didn’t think his decision through before stepping up to pitch with his baby.

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안녕하세요 최민환입니다. 얼마 전 한화와 LG의 야구경기에서 시구하는 과정에 있어 아기가 위험할수도 있었을 부분에 대해 걱정을 끼친 많은 분들에게 사과드립니다. 이런 영광스러운 자리에 아들과 함께 할 수 있다는 생각에 기뻤습니다. 시구 하러 올라가기 전까지도 어떤 방법으로 시구를 하는 것이 가장 이 자리에 어울리면서도 안전할까 연습도 많이하고 이런저런 고민도 많았습니다. 결론적으로 저의 부주의로 인해 아이가 위험할수있었고, 이런 일로 많은 분들에게 걱정을 끼친 점에 대해 사과드립니다. 세상에서 누구보다 짱이를 사랑하는 아빠로서 아이가 안전하고 건강하게 자랄 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다. 논란을 일으킨 점 다시 한번 죄송합니다.

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Translations: “Hello, this is Choi Minhwan. I apologize for putting my baby at risk while I pitched for the Hanhwa baseball team playing against LG. I’m sorry to have caused you guys to become concerned. I was simply too happy to be invited to such an honorable event. Up until the pitching moment, I really thought about what might be the best and safest way to throw the ball. I practiced a lot too. In the end though, I was careless to jeopardize my baby’s safety. I apologize for making everyone worry about it too. I love my son more than anyone in this world. I will do my absolute best to make sure he grows up in a healthy and safe environment. Again, I apologize for creating such a controversy.”


Despite the apology, netizens remain shocked by the fact that a father would “put baseball before his own son” and continue to blast Minhwan for making such a careless decision. Most are urging Minhwan to learn from his mistake and become a better father by learning how to properly care for his child.

That was your pitch after practicing a lot…? Watching your baby close shut his eyes in fear made my heart break. Your son must have been so scared. Can you even imagine the impact that your small little baby had to endure? I saw the video and started questioning if you’ve ever even held your baby before this. Please have some common sense. The pitching video only proved you’re completely clueless about raising a child.

— Instagram Comment

You just showed the whole nation that you’re not actually into being a good father or raising your son.

— Instagram Comment

Please learn more about how to raise your child. Become a father who raises him in a healthy and safe home. Use this as your wake up call to become a better dad to your son. And keep a close eye on your son’s condition for the next couple of days – in case the pitch did cause any trouble for him.

— Instagram Comment

Source: Joins
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