Koreans Are Devastated By The Departure Of Panda Fu Bao—And The Reaction Of Her “Grandfather”

We’re not crying, you are…

Fu Bao is considered one of the most popular non-humans in the entire South Korea.

She is a giant panda that was born on Korean soil in July 2020. Her parents, 10-year-old female Ai Bao and 11-year-old male Le Bao, were loaned to the country from China in 2016 as part of their “panda diplomacy.”

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On April 3, 2024, fans officially bid Fu Bao farewell as she began her journey back to Beijing, China, as part of the contract with the other country.


No expense was spared when it came to her safety—she was transported in a high-tech non-vibrating vehicle typically used for semi-conductors.

Despite knowing she was safe, the sadness of those who followed Fu Bao’s journey was not eased. The one who was most upset was likely Kang Cheol Won, the main caretaker of Fu Bao.

| Everland

A clip of him saying goodbye to the panda has since gone viral on social media. Even with Fu Bao enclosed in the truck and unable to see him, he couldn’t seem to let go. He returned to the vehicle and leaned his head on it in sorrow.

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He stayed in this position for several seconds before forcing himself to leave.

The post on X (Twitter) showcasing this scene has already garnered over 1.6 million views and 20,000 likes in just a few hours.

Earlier that day, Kang Cheol Won read out a goodbye letter to the panda which was filmed and aired. Like a father, he expressed his sincere wishes that she will settle in well in China and meet good friends including her new zookeeper. He also promised that he’ll see her once again in the future.

You will be forever my baby panda, even after 10 or 100 years. Thank you for coming to grandpa. I love you, Fu Bao.

 Kang Cheol Won

Around 6,000 people waited in the rain to say their goodbyes to the panda, with thousands more following the broadcast online.

Fu Bao will be missed.

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Source: Inquirer and X (Twitter)
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