GFRIEND Official Website Used To Advertise To Prostitution Service

Netizens are furious.

Netizens are furious after GFRIEND‘s website has been taken over by an “adult website” advertising prostitution services.

The members of GFRIEND | @gfrdofficial/Twitter

The last tweet on the group’s Japan site showcases the Japanese website with the URL

When netizens recently clicked on the link, they realized that it no longer belonged to GFRIEND and was now under the ownership of a Japanese “adult website” that speaks about “sugar daddies” and how to earn money in the prostitution industry.


When netizens realized what happened and the fact that the URL is still very much linked to GFRIEND as a group, they shared their anger. Not only did it stem from GFRIEND’s “mistreatment” since their contracts ended, but also how it created a bad reputation for the group as it is still linked to the website with the exact URL and name.

GFRIEND’s websites and social media are still linked to the group, and while it isn’t used actively, it holds memories, and netizens are furious that it is now linked to a service that provides adult services.

Source: X


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