Girls’ Generation Reunited To Celebrate Their 13th Anniversary With Special Messages To Fans

Congratulations, Girls’ Generation and SONE!

All 8 members of GirlsGeneration reunited to celebrate two important days of the year – Tiffany‘s birthday and the group’s 13th anniversary since debut!

| @tiffanyyoungofficial/Instagram

The ladies matched the theme of black dress and bold red lips as they celebrate the group’s birthday as well as Tiffany’s 31st!

The members left the sweetest video message to their SONEs as they expressed how happy they were to be together each year to celebrate another milestone of Girls’ Generation’s legendary career.

Hello, it’s Girls’ Generation! Congratulation on our 13th anniversary!

I’m so glad that we can be together every August. I was so touched.

It’s so good to be able to get back together, and I just wanted to wish you a happy 13th anniversary! Love you guys!

Love you! Miss you!

— Girls’ Generation

And each of the members spread love and joy to their awaiting fans with their own individual messages, but one thing was clear – Girls’ Generation will continue forever and ever!

| @yulyulk/Instagram

Check out the members’ individual post messages below:

1. Tiffany

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1️⃣3️⃣ summers ago i remember blowing out the candles & thanking god for bringing each & every one of you into my life. no matter how far apart or how long it’s been, it always feels like we’re picking up right where we left off. i am SO grateful for our journey together & especially our sisterhood. blessed to have such incredible women & 소원 to grow stronger & wiser TOGETHER each year. thank you from the bottom of my heart for the unconditional faith & love you show. 항상 더 기대하고 꿈꾸게 해줘서 고마워. 지금도, 앞으로도, 영원히 사랑해 소녀시대 그리고 소원… 13주년 진심으로 축하해 사랑해 💗 . . #GG4EVA #SONEDAY #13YEARSWITHINTW #13YEARSWITHSONE #13YearsWithGirlsGeneration #GirlsGeneration13thAnniversary #13SummersWithGG #13년째_지금은_소녀시대

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2. Taeyeon

It’s Girls’ Generation’s 13th anniversary💓 Thank you and congratulations to S♡NE who have been with us for such a long time and the members who I love. I’m able to reflect once again on how I’m able to have so many people around me who I can share each and every emotions that I’ve felt in my life. They’re so precious and I’m so thankful.

Girls’ Generation will never end, so let’s cheers to the many more happy days that we’ll have together💓 Let’s be thankful for today and be well. Let’s be happy, SONE and Girls’ Generation

— Taeyeon

3. Hyoyeon

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. 항상 그 이상을 이뤄낼 수 있었던건 우리 서로의 믿음과 열정이 있었다고 생각해 그리고 우리 소원과의 믿음과 사랑이지 우헤헤 13주년 축하해! 지•소, 앞•소, 영원히 소녀시대!💗 아. 이렇게 단합력 좋은 소시 칭찬해💕 . #13YearsWithGirlsGeneration #GirlsGeneration13thAnniversary #13SummersWithGG #13년째_지금은_소녀시대 #GG4EVA #SOONEDAY #13YEARSWITHINTW #13YEARSWITHSOONE #소녀시대 #소원 #girlsgeneration #sone #GG4EVA

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I believe that we were able to reach above expectations because we have each others’ hearts and passion. And also because of our SONE’s trust and love hehehe Congratulations on our 13th anniversary!💓

I’m proud of our Soshi for being able to get together so well💕

— Hyoyeon

4. Seohyun

Today marks our 13th year since we’ve come together🖤

The brightest moments of my life were with my unnies and SONE. Thank you, and I love you so so much. Let’s be together forever💖

— Seohyun

5. Sooyoung

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함께 맞는 13번째 여름, 아직도 내옆을 지켜주는 내사람들이 있어 감사해요❤️오랜만에 들려주는 #지소앞소영소 외침이 우릴 보고싶은 그대들의 마음을 달래주길 바라며, 내년에도 소녀시대 좋아하길 다행이었다고 생각할수 있게 해줄게요. 🥰 ‪#13YearsWithGirlsGeneration #GirlsGeneration13thAnniversary #13SummersWithGG #13년째_지금은_소녀시대‬ #13SummersWithSONE #GG4EVA

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Our 13th summer together. I’m thankful to still have my people who’ll stand by me❤️ Hoping that our first cheers in a long time will comfort those who miss us, I’ll make sure you’ll be glad to have loved Girls’ Generation even next year. 🥰

— Sooyoung

6. Sunny

Girls’ Generation~ Congratulations on our 13th anniversary!!!! To SONE who’ve been with us.. Thank you~ Thanks to you, I’m able to walk even the bumpiest roads with happiness and joy!! Please stay next to us~ Our youth, our overflowing happiness. Everyone’s Girls’ Generation, let’s continue on for a very very long time~!!!

— Sunny

7. Yuri

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소녀시대, 소원이라는 이름으로 내 청춘을 찬란하게 빛내줘서 진심으로 고마워 멤버들 팬들 .. 아직 13주년밖에 안됐으니 천천히 우리 잡은 두 손 놓지 말고 함께하기로 해 20주년 30주년 때에도 #13YearsWithGirlsGeneration #GirlsGeneration13thAnniversary #13SummersWithGG #13년째_지금은_소녀시대 #GG4EVA #SONEDAY #13YEARSWITHINTW #13YEARSWITHSONE

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Thank you to my members and our fans for allowing my youth to shine so brightly under the names of Girls’ Generation and SONE.. It’s only been 13 years, so let’s never let go of our hands and continue together for our 20th and 30th anniversary

— Yuri

Girls' Generation

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