Girls’ Generation’s Yoona Reveals Which One She’d Choose Between Long Hair And Short Hair

Between both of these stunning looks of hers, Yoona chose which one she prefers!

Girls’ Generation‘s Yoona is a world-class visual, and as is often the dilemma of her fans, she herself was asked to choose between how she looks with short hair and her visuals with long hair!

Yoona | @yoona__lim/Instagram

Yoona recently shot a pictorial with Y Noblesse Korea, and also sat down for a keyword interview with them on their Youtube channel, and answered questions sent in by fans!

One of the questions she was asked was to choose from having short hair…

…medium-length hair…

…or long hair, and Yoona was at an absolute loss!

That’s a hard one…If I have short hair, I want long hair, and if I have long hair, I want short hair. When it’s short, I think a medium-length is pretty.

[Right now] I think it’s getting to that medium-short hair length.


After thinking it over a bit, Yoona ended up choosing long hair, since she’s currently sporting a shorter haircut!

Since it’s short right now, I want to have longer hair!


With longer hair Yoona looks like a goddess, but she’s equally stunning with short hair as well, so we understand her dilemma perfectly!

Watch her talk about it here!

Girls' Generation

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