Girls’ Generation Yuri’s Dangerous, Now-Deleted Photos Could Result In A Fine

“What if something had happened?”

Girls’ Generation Yuri‘s recently deleted photos could have resulted in a fine.


Yuri has been vacationing on Jeju Island for the past few days and sharing content from her trip on her Instagram account. The idol often travels, as is documented on her YouTube channel.

Many of her photos show her enjoying the scenic landscape, snapping pictures by the beach and enjoying the local restaurants.




Her most recent and now-deleted post was similar, showing the idol in a hammock and other relaxing locations. Some of the photos also showed Yuri near the water, standing and laying on what at first appears to be rocks.




As it turns out, the rocks were actually a tetrapod, a concrete structure used to to dissipate the force of incoming waves. The oddly shaped pieces allows for water to flow between them and lessens the impact on land.

The spaces in tetrapods are large enough for a person to slip through and very difficult to escape from, resulting in death in many cases.

| theqoo
| theqoo

As a result of this danger, Korea’s Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries imposes a fine of up to ₩1.00 million KRW (about $722 USD) for climbing or being on tetrapods.

Many netizens expressed concern of Yuri’s photos, both for the celebrity who seemingly unknowingly placed herself in danger and for those who might try to mimic her photos.

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  • It’s not just for her own safety, but also because fans might follow suit if their favorite idols take photos there. She needs to be more careful.
  • For her own safety, I hope she avoid dangerous actions. Even though it’s a relief she just took photos and left without incident, what if something had happened?
  • SNSD’s Yuri???? That’s dangerous. I’m worried that people who see it might try to follow.
  • I don’t understand why she went in despite the warnings posted everywhere, and then they even uploaded it to Instagram.
  • Above all, it’s really dangerous. For their own sake, I hope they never do it again. People might think it’s fine and go there, but one mistake can lead to an accident.
  • I knew it was dangerous, but I didn’t know it was illegal. Instead of risking your life for a photo, let’s all value our lives.
  • When celebrities post things like this, a lot of regular people try to imitate them. I hope she quickly takes action, as she is likely getting contacted about it right now.
Source: SportsChosun

Girls' Generation

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