Goo Hara’s Brother Uploads A New Adorable Baby Photo Of Hara To Help Explain The “Goo Hara Law”

Hara is dearly missed by all.

Goo Hara‘s brother, Goo Ho In, uploaded a new adorable photo of Hara and he when they were just toddlers.

In the photo, Goo Ho In wraps a protective arm around his sister who in turn grabs onto his arm lovingly. Goo Ho In reflected on his loss in the comments, claiming, “It’s been four months since Hara had left our side. I still can’t forget the image of how she used to stare at me in a hug.

In the captions, he explained more about his current petition to create the “Goo Hara Law”, which will protect people from negligent parents who abandon their children but try to claim an inheritance from their death.

I am currently facing a difficult time because of our mother who abandoned us when we were just kids. I should be mourning my sister who I miss so much, but the recent events and issues are making this time even harder for our family.

— Goo In Ho

Goo In Ho hopes that Hara’s name and death will be able to become a strong hold in society that can influence it to become more just and righteous.

I write this in hopes that the name ‘Goo Hara’ can become a name that changes our society to a more just and righteous society. I sincerely hope that with each and every one of your signatures, we’ll be able to change our society.

— Goo In Ho

Goo In Ho and Goo Hara had only each other to lean on after their mom left and their dad was forced to have the kids be raised by their grandma and aunt while he worked to raise money for his children.

Goo In Ho had previously released other baby photos of Hara to remember her passing.

Each of the photos showed Hara at various ages in her childhood, but each of the photos proved that she was a visual queen since birth!

As her brother continues to fight for Hara’s legacy, Hara is dearly missed by millions of fans around the world. May she rest in peace.

Read Goo Ho In’s full statement below:

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안녕하세요 故 구하라 친오빠인 구호인입니다 그동안 제 동생 하라를 사랑해 주시고, 마지막 길에 함께 해주신 모든 지인, 팬분들께 정말 감사드립니다. 하라가 저희 곁을 떠난 지 네 달이라는 시간이 지났습니다. 아직도 저를 보며 안기던 동생의 모습이 잊히질 않습니다. 최근 언론사를 통해 제 입장을 밝힌 바와 같이 어렸을 때 저희 남매를 버리고 간 친어머니와의 상속문제로 힘든 시간을 보내고 있습니다. 너무도 그립고, 보고 싶은 제 동생을 추모하여야 할 이 시간에 이러한 문제가 발생하였다는 사실이 저희 가족들을 더욱 힘들게 하고 있습니다. 저는 제 동생의 죽음이 헛되지 않도록, 저희 가족들 같이 이러한 일들로 고통받는 가정이 더 이상 발생하지 않기를 바라는 마음에서 "구하라 법" 제정을 위한 입법청원을 제기하였습니다. 구하라 법이 통과되더라도 그 법은 저희 가족들간의 일에는 적용되지 않는 점을 누구보다도 잘 알고 있습니다. 하지만, 저희 가족의 일 뿐만 아니라 천안함, 세월호 때 자식을 버린 부모가 사망보험금을 수령하는 비극이 재발하지 않기를 바라는 것이 저 뿐만 아니라 하라의 바램이기도 합니다. 그러기에 ”구하라“라는 이름이 우리 사회를 보다 정의롭고 바람직하게 바꾸는 이름으로 남았으면 하는 바램을 담아 이 글을 남깁니다. 한 분 한 분의 동의가 모여 우리 사회를 보다 건강하고 바람직하게 바꾸는 기폭제가 되기를 간곡히 바랍니다. 입법청원 링크는 프로필에 있습니다. 마지막으로 저의 사랑하는 동생을 항상 사랑해주시고 슬퍼해주신 많은 분들께 진심으로 감사인사 드립니다.

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Hello, this is Goo Hara’s older brother, Goo Ho In.

I want to thank all the fans and everyone who had loved my sister Hara and followed her until the very end. It’s been four months since Hara had left our side. I still can’t forget the image of how she used to stare at me in a hug.

As I mentioned recently through a media report, I am currently facing a difficult time because of our mother who abandoned us when we were just kids. I should be mourning my sister who I miss so much, but the recent events and issues are making this time even harder for our family.

To make sure that my sister didn’t die in vain, I decided to create a petition for a legislation for the ‘Goo Hara Law’ so that no other families will have to suffer like we have.

I’m well aware that even if the law passes, it will not be in effect in time or apply to our situation.

But regardless of our family’s issues, Hara also would have wanted to prevent parents who abandoned their children to claim inheritance from their deaths, much like how it happened in the ROKS Cheonan Sinking and Sewol Ferry Sinking.

I write this in hopes that the name ‘Goo Hara’ can become a name that changes our society to a more just and righteous society. I sincerely hope that with each and every one of your signatures, we’ll be able to change our society.

The link to our petition is on my profile.

Lastly, I want to sincerely thank everyone who had loved my sister until her last moments, and those who were saddened by her departure.

— Goo Ho In

Goo Hara's Passing

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