Goo Hye Sun And Ahn Jae Hyun’s Agency Confirm They Will Be Getting Divorced

Their marriage is over.

After Goo Hye Sun released the shocking news that she wants a divorce from her husband, Ahn Jae Hyun, it has been revealed by HB Entertainment, the agency for both actors, that they are indeed going to divorce.

Goo Hye Sun Reveals Husband Ahn Jae Hyun Is Filing For Divorce

The agency revealed the reason for their divorce in a statement.

Hello, this is HB Entertainment.

We would like to give an explanation of the situation that happened today between our actors, Goo Hye Sun and Ahn Jae Hyun.

Despite the encouragement and expectations of many people and the public, the two actors have recently been unable to maintain their marriage due to various problems that we cannot elaborate on, and after serious discussions, have decided on a divorce.

As the agency of both actors, we respect their decision after months of serious consideration and discussions, and we hope they will be happier in the future.

Recently, Goo Hye Sun appointed a lawyer to draft a divorce agreement with Ahn Jae Hyun, and sent that agreement to him. Ahn Jae Hyun also was asked by Goo Hye Sun to appoint a lawyer as fast as possible to expedite the divorce process. Goo Hye Sun said she wanted to file for divorce in August with the court, and for the divorce settlement to be completed by September.

In addition to the divorce agreement, Goo Hye Sun sent a draft of her own press release to the media.

However, we saw Goo Hye Sun’s SNS post and article that quoted her earlier, and both Ahn Jae Hyun and the agency was confused. We regret to inform you of the previous happenings, despite the privacy needed for a situation like this, in which the divorce settlement processes that were being discussed were left out.

Although it its their personal life, we hope that both actors will not be hurt by this incident.

We are sorry to have caused so much worry to many people and fans.

— HB Entertainment

Goo Hye Sun And Ahn Jae Hyun's Divorce

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