Goo Hye Sun Reveals Shocking Details In Response To Ahn Jae Hyun’s Statement About Their Divorce

She clarified her side of the story.

After Ahn Jae Hyun spoke up for the first time since the news of their divorce, Goo Hye Sun has responded with her own clarifications about his claims.


She first explained that the money Ahn Jae Hyun was referring to wasn’t for an unjust cause. She wanted reimbursement for their wedding fee that they donated together and compensation for all the housework that she had to do by herself.

I want to explain about receiving the settlement fee. The part where he mentioned about my donations is referring to the amount of money that would have gone to our wedding but instead that we donated. The entire donation was paid by my funds so I requested that he pay me back for half of it.

I paid for the fee for the interior of Ahn Jae Hyun’s current home, and I had done 100% of the household chores, so I’m requesting a working fee of 30,000 won per day… It was not a settlement fee for the divorce.

— Goo Hye Sun


She also explained that she did not trespass into his home because the apartment was purchased while they were not separated.

The apartment that he is living in during the separation wasn’t purchased for the separation. He told me that he wanted to focus on his acting so I respected his wishes and gave him permission. I had the right to go to his apartment that day.

The issue with the house had started even before our separation. He rarely spent time at the house and so I had told him to give me the house if I was going to be the only one who spent time there. He claimed that he would give me the house if we ever divorced, so I told him I understood. He started talking about divorce over and over again ever since.

— Goo Hye Sun


She also further confirmed her stance that Ahn Jae Hyun had indeed contacted other women while drunk and revealed that his actions became a frequent source of their fights.

After our dog died, I was the first to suffer from depression. I introduced my husband to my doctor and he started going as well. After he started getting better, he liked to drink so he would call other women while intoxicated. I saw this with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears.

Since it could cause misunderstandings, I warned him to stop but it ended up being a reason for our frequent fights. Their secret conversations became something that was hidden from me.

— Goo Hye Sun


She concluded by confessing that Ahn Jae Hyun would claim that he wanted a divorce because she wasn’t “sexy” enough. She says she feels like a ghost or a zombie in their marriage.

When I asked him what I did wrong, he would say that I wasn’t sexy. My husband told me that he wanted to divorce me because my nipples weren’t sexy. Even while we were together, he became bored with our marriage and would fall asleep while watching YouTube videos that only men who were bored with their marriage would listen to…

I was a ghost at my house. The woman you once loved so much became a zombie. Even now.

— Goo Hye Sun


Read her full statement below:

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안녕하세요. 구혜선입니다. 안재현씨가 남긴 글을 보고 저 또한 이렇게 글을 올리게 되었습니다. 합의금을 받았다는 내용에 대한 설명을 드리고 싶은데요. 합의금 중에 기부금이란. 결혼식대신 기부한 모든 금액을 말하며 그것은 모두 구혜선의 비용으로 진행을 했기때문에 반은 돌려달라 말한 금액이고요. 현재 안재현씨가 사는 집의 모든 인테리어 비용 또한 구혜선의 비용으로 한 것이고 가사노동도 100% 구혜선이 한 일이었기 때문에 제가 하루 삼만원씩 삼년의 노동비을 받은것이지…이혼 합의금을 받은것은 아닙니다. 키우던 강아지가 먼저 하늘나라에 가게되자 제가 먼저 우울증이와서 제가 다니던 정신과에 남편을 소개시켜주어 다니게 했습니다. 차츰 정신이 나아지자 남편은 술을 자주 마시고 취해 밤늦게 여성들과 통화하는 것을 저는 목격하기도 하였습니다. 오해받을수 있는 일이니 자제하라 충고하기도 하였으나 결국 싸움에 원인이 될 뿐이었고 그들만의 긴밀한 대화는 제가 알수 없는 영역이되고 말았습니다.남편이 생일날 소고기 무국이 먹고싶다하여 새벽부터 준비해 끓여놓았는데 한두숟갈 뜨고는 모두 남기고 밖으로나가 외부 사람들과 생일 파티를 하는 것을 보며 저 사람,정말 마음이 멀리도 떠났구나 알고 있었습니다. 그래도 아들 낳아주신 어머니께 감사하여 저는 어머니집에 아직 에어컨도 없다시길래 달아들이고 세탁기도 냉장고도 놓아드렸습니다. 물론 그 날도 다투었습니다. 별거중인 오피스텔은 별거용으로 사용하기 위해 들어간것이 아니라 연기에 집중하고 싶다는 그의 말을 존중해 제 허락함에 얻은 공간이었으니 제게도 그곳을 찾아갈 권리가 있었습니다. 그외에 집을 달라고 말했던건 별거중이 아닐때부터도 이미 그는 집에 있는 시간이 없었고 이렇게 나 혼자 살거라면 나 달라고 했던 겁니다. 그러자 이혼해주면 용인집을 주겠다고 하길래 알겠다고 했습니다. 그때부터 남편은 이혼 이혼 노래를 불러왔습니다. 내가 잘못한게 뭐야? 물으면 섹시하지 않다고 말했고 섹시하지 않은 젖꼭지를 가지고 있어서 꼭 이혼하고 싶다고 말을 해온 남편이었습니다. 남편은 같이 생활하는 동안에도 권태기가 온 남성들이 들을수 있는 유튜브 방송을 크게 틀어놓다 잠아들기도 하고…저는 집에사는 유령이었습니다. 한때 당신이 그 토록 사랑했던 그 여인은 좀비가 되어 있었습니다. 지금도요.

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Hello. This is Goo Hye Sun.

I had to write this post after reading Ahn Jae Hyun’s statement.

I want to explain about receiving the settlement fee. The part where he mentioned about my donations is referring to the amount of money that would have gone to our wedding but instead that we donated. The entire donation was paid by my funds so I requested that he pay me back for half of it.

I paid for the fee for the interior of Ahn Jae Hyun’s current home, and I had done 100% of the household chores, so I’m requesting a working fee of 30,000 won per day… It was not a settlement fee for the divorce.

After our dog died, I was the first to suffer from depression. I introduced my husband to my doctor and he started going as well. After he started getting better, he liked to drink so he would call other women while intoxicated. I saw this with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears.

Since it could cause misunderstandings, I warned him to stop but it ended up being a reason for our frequent fights. Their secret conversations became something that was hidden from me.

He told me that he wanted to eat beef soup for his birthday, so I woke up at dawn to make it for him. But he only took a few bites and didn’t finish it. Instead, he left to go outside and have a birthday party with other people. Watching that, I realized that his love for me was far gone.

But to thank his mom for giving birth to her son, I installed an air conditioner, a new laundry washer, and refrigerator at her home. We ended up fighting that day too.

The apartment that he is living in during the separation wasn’t purchased for the separation. He told me that he wanted to focus on his acting so I respected his wishes and gave him permission. I had the right to go to his apartment that day.

The issue with the house had started even before our separation. He rarely spent time at the house and so I had told him to give me the house if I was going to be the only one who spent time there. He claimed that he would give me the house if we ever divorced, so I told him I understood. He started talking about divorce over and over again ever since.

When I asked him what I did wrong, he would say that I wasn’t sexy. My husband told me that he wanted to divorce me because my nipples weren’t sexy. Even while we were together, he became bored with our marriage and would fall asleep while watching YouTube videos that only men who were bored with their marriage would listen to…

I was a ghost at my house. The woman you once loved so much became a zombie. Even now.

— Goo Hye Sun

Goo Hye Sun And Ahn Jae Hyun's Divorce

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