GOT7’s BamBam Struggles In A Fight Against Instagram

Luckily, he has Ahgases to help!

Not even GOT7‘s BamBam is free from Instagram‘s trials and tribulations.

GOT7’s BamBam

Recently, BamBam took to Twitter to vent about his frustrations with the photo-sharing app Instagram. He described it as “weird.”

Initially, Ahgases (also known as iGOT7) weren’t taking it too seriously and saw the opportunity to have fun with BamBam as he frequently jokes around.

Some even teased him, suggesting it was “karma” for all of the jokes and memes he has played on the members, especially Jay B recently.

BamBam returned fifteen minutes later with another update. He explained that Instagram had not been uploading any of his attempts at posts for the past two hours.

So, Ahgases were on the case! They attempted to solve his problem, offering advice on how to fix the issue.

Still, some had jokes! Laughter is the best medicine, right?

Sure enough, Ahgases’ solutions helped! BamBam posted his final update fifteen minutes later to say it had been fixed. He alsoย sincerely thanked those for their help.

Ahgases reassured BamBam that they would always be there for him for anything!

And, BamBam was finally able to upload photos again. So, some are hoping he can drop some more…

Source: @BamBam1A


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