GOT7 Jackson Wang’s Fanboy Shoots His Shot On Stage

Jackson brought a male fan on stage!

A fanboy risked it all for GOT7‘s Jackson Wang.

GOT7’s Jackson Wang

Jackson Wang is currently on his 2023 MAGIC MAN World Tour. Besides spectacular performances, he has proved to be the king of fanservice. Jackson brings a fan or two on stage during his concert and serenades them.

Jackson has selected a diverse group of young women so far after confirming they are legal and single each time. Now, he has brought his first fanboy on stage.

For Jackson’s performance of “I Love You 3000 II” in Vancouver, Canada, Jackson chose a young man named Thomas to come on stage. It resulted in one of the most iconic fan interactions yet…

Firstly, Thomas actually got down on one knee and “proposed” to Jackson! We can’t blame him. When else can you have the opportunity to profess your love to your idol?

| @ahgacarat1004/TikTok

Jackson, always the gentleman, even offered to carry Thomas’ bag. Previously, he has offered his jacket to fans too.


Thomas and Jackson appeared to become instant besties as they danced with each other on stage. They even took a selfie together!


While many male artists bring fans on stage, very few select their fanboys. So, it shows just how inclusive Jackson is!

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