GOT7’s Jackson Wang Pretends To Be BamBam’s Fan, Testing Security Guards

Jackson was pretending to be a fan!

GOT7 members Jackson Wang and BamBam had a mini-reunion during Paris Fashion Week’s Louis Vuitton fashion show.

Ahgases (GOT7 fans, also known as iGOT7) were overjoyed to see the two GOT7 rappers together again after a while.

Ahgases were also happy to see the interactions were not exclusive to just one day. Jackson and BamBam made appearances together the next day.

Upon arriving at their destination, Jackson attempted to follow BamBam secretly. He even shooshed Ahgases, requesting they don’t expose him.

So, Jackson snuck up, joining the Ahgases there who were waiting for him and BamBam. As he recorded BamBam like a fan, he was even stopped and held back by a security guard who didn’t realize Jackson was the Jackson Wang!

The videos garnered attention on X (formerly Twitter), as Ahgases laughed over how hilarious and successful Jackson’s “prank” was.

We’re so happy to see BamBam and Jackson’s fun antics again!

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