H1-KEY Sitala’s Upcoming Debut Falls Into Controversy As Netizens Uncover Her Family’s Military Involvement In Thailand

Her father was a famous actor that supported the dictatorship.

H1-KEY is slated to make their debut in January 2022 under Grandline Group, home to many amazing artists such as Stella Jang. However, one of their four revealed members, Thai member Sitala, has fallen under controversy when Thai netizens uncovered her family’s involvement with the military.

| Grandline Group

Thai netizens uncovered that her family was rich and considered to be upper class in Thailand due to her famous father, Tua Saranyu, an actor. However, her father was named as one of the royalists that supported the call for a coup to be staged by the military in 2014. As many would know, Thailand was embroiled in a series of protests and riots that threw the country into chaos. Sitala herself has been accused of being supportive of the dictatorship.

Thai netizens are highly against Sitala’s debut given her father’s involvement in the dictatorship and military.

What fanned the flames was Sitala’s self-written profile released by Grandline Group. In the profile, she states that her role model is none other than her father.

| Grandline Group

She clearly writes, “My role model is my father, my papa.” Thai netizens have begun protesting online against her debut.

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