Korean Hair Salon Owner Exposes Celebrity Couple Who Scammed Them

On July 29, a community post about a hair salon owner suffering from a celebrity family that didn’t pay for services garnered attention online.

The post, titled ‘A celebrity and their husband and family received service from our store and ran off without paying,’ was posted on a self-employed community forum.
I run a hair salon in Cheongdam-dong. Just as it says, a celebrity and their family (mom, dad, siblings, etc.) and the husband’s lawyers…all came and got their hair done by our CEO. They received service and left without paying. The total cost is around 3,500,000 KRW ($~2,552.68 USD).

“I told them to pay for it today, but they just made up excuses. Since the amount is small, I don’t think the police will even do anything about it, but would it be faster to report it to the police?
Or would it be better to report it to the news? Or is there any place you all recommend I report it to?
Although there are people who may recognize the celebrity, they also might not be able to as they haven’t promoted in awhile.
I’m so angry. What would be the best thing to do?
Times are hard at the salon so I really need to get everything that I can. And to have someone not pay for service is so frustrating.
I left a KakaoTalk asking them to pay by Monday, but they’ve ignored my message. What would you do if this was you? Please, I need some advice. Please help me.”
The owner later updated on the status of the payment.

“First, the celebrity and their husband do not know about me posting this online. I never talked about sponsorship and have never agreed to it.
They didn’t read my KakaoTalk messages, but they read the CEO’s messages and sent payment with a 30% discount we never gave them.
We were so frustrated that we gave them an invoice with the original payment and no discount. We told them we weren’t giving a discount and to pay them original price, but they just cut off contact.”
They ended up getting in contact with the JTBC show, Crime Chief, and stated they were in the process of gathering supporting materials and would return with an update soon.