Famous Korean Celebrity Couple Reveals Date Abuse Through Instagram

He posted a bloodied photo on his Instagram.

Content Warning

This article includes descriptions of violence that may disturb some readers.

Jin Hua and Ham So Won are a famous celebrity couple in South Korea. Ham So Won is a popular actress who later went to China to continue her career. She gained attention for her young and handsome Chinese husband, Jin Hua. Their age difference of 18 years made headlines. The couple married in 2018.

On August 7, 2024, he updated his Instagram with a photo of himself sporting a bloodied face and nose. He accompanied it with the caption “Hello everyone, I’m Jin Hua. Ham So Won hit me.” The message was issued in both Chinese and Koreans, catering to his main audiences.

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 12.24.39 AM
| Chosun

His under-eye area and nose had lacerations, suggesting that they had an intense fight as a married couple. It seems like this has been a longstanding issue, for his later post read that he had been tolerating this for 8 years.

| theqoo

“I’m definitely not trying to smear her because she’s an actress. I’m just so tired after these 8 years. I’m so, so tired.”

No further update from Ham So Won or Jin Hua has been updated. You can read more about the couple below.

The Actress Who Deleted Her Much Younger Husband’s Instagram DMs


Source: Chosun and theqoo
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