Han So Hee Replies To Malicious Comments On Her Blog

Han So Hee‘s image took a hit after the controversy involving Ryu Jun Yeol and his ex-girlfriend, Hyeri. As rumors flew about Han So Hee and Ryu Jun Yeol getting together and how he allegedly left Hyeri for her, many began criticizing her. Unable to hold back, she ended up rashly denying the matter and even took a swipe back at Hyeri. Later on, she ended up admitting to the relationship. The entire trajectory of the controversy led many to criticize Han So Hee for a lack of foresight and control.
After her statement, the star has been replying comments on her blog. This naturally includes malicious ones.

- Comment: Your image f*cking sunk to the bottom.
- Han So Hee (HSH): I’m sad because I know that my precious image was created by the support of my fans and everyone rather than myself. Even if I fall because of this matter, I will take it to heed.

- Comment: I’m sad that this is your first post of the year.
- HSH: I’m sorry.
Some sent her support.

- Comment: Even though I have not observed the matter directly, I believe that third parties who don’t know the truth have no right to bark. I hope you don’t get too caught up in the reactions of the public.
- HSH: Rather than being caught up, I made a grave mistake this time. Starting from my Instagram story, I think I made a small matter huge.

- Comment: I had many thoughts after reading your Instagram story. Everyone said it was a “hwanseung.” If that’s what people are saying, from your POV, you must’ve felt really wronged. But I think the way you dealt with it was wrong. It’s not that we don’t know how wronged you felt, but if you deal with it in such a way, people will criticize you. “Ah, Han So Hee attacked a sunbae. Was Han So Hee such a person?” People will curse you out like that. I hope you become a more mature person through this incident.
- HSH: That’s right. I also think that my attitude was careless this time. I think I acted rashly as all of my actions were painted in a negative light, alongside keywords such as “hwanseung.”
“Hwanseung” is a Korean slang used to refer to either a rebound, or a cheating case where one party moves from one relationship into another, often breaking up for the new party.