Here’s How Lovelyz’s Jisoo Goes From Sexy To Cute In Just Two Steps

With just two tips, she goes from sexy to cute. A YouTuber shows us her secrets.

Lovelyz‘s Jisoo is known for her jaw-dropping visuals, and collaborated with a K-Beauty YouTuber RareLee to analyze how she pulls off her stunning vibes.

| 레어리RareLee/YouTube

Jisoo has applied for consultations with RareLee. There has been demand for Lovelyz content as well as addressing elongated center-of-face as a subject, so with her permission I’ve decided to make part of the analysis into a YouTube video.

“She is associated with mature and sexy vibes.” | 레어리RareLee/YouTube

RareLee points out that Jisoo’s “sexy and mature vibes” comes from her egg shaped face. Lovelyz fans love it, and she’s often the face of the group.

“When dividing her face into thirds, the center is the most prominent. She also boasts a long phosphorus (space between nostrils and upper lip). | 레어리RareLee/YouTube

Specifically, the center third of her face being so prominent gives her a chic look, especially without bangs. RareLee points out that the lack of bangs accentuates the chicness.

“Without bangs, IU sports an innocent look, but Jisoo comes off as mature and sexy.” | 레어리RareLee/YouTube

When compared to someone with a spherical facial shape like IU who sports a mild and innocent look, Jisoo’s gives off a sultry aura.

| 레어리RareLee/YouTube 

Jisoo’s elfish ears are a charm point of hers that gives her a mysterious vibe…

— RareLee

| 레어리RareLee/YouTube 

…which she can expose to complement her facial characteristics for a different look.

— RareLee

“When you compare the two looks, you can see that the right side looks “lovelier.” | 레어리RareLee/YouTube

RareLee shows that just by exposing her cute ears, Jisoo’s whole vibe goes from sexy, to lovely!

| 레어리RareLee/YouTube 

Of course, a short cut to the cute vibes is bangs.

— RareLee

| 레어리RareLee/YouTube

Specifically, bangs that extend below the eyebrows and into the top of the nose make her look so lovely!

Watch the full video here:


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