Highlight’s Doojoon Blocked From Upcoming Promotions, Forced To Stay In Korea

Under the South Korean Military Service Law, he is no longer able to travel outside Korea as he wishes.

On May 29, 2018, the South Korean Military Service Law was amended to limit the duration and frequency of international travels for South Korean males who have not enlisted to serve their duties yet. This became relevant for Highlight‘s Doojoon, who had scheduled fan meetings and promotions overseas.

By law, any South Korean male over 25 years of age and yet to serve military duty must receive permission from the Military Manpower Administration to travel outside of Korea. The new amendment adds a strict limitation on how many times and how long an unenlisted male can visit and stay overseas.


Highlight’s agency, Around US Entertainment, released an official statement on its website stating that, with the new law placed effective immediately, Doojoon is unable to travel freely outside Korea and will be removed from the upcoming Highlight’s global schedules in Vietnam and Thailand.

“Doojoon will not be participating in the June 9th K-Food festival in Hanoi, Vietnam or the June 24th fan meeting in Bangkok, Thailand. We ask for your understanding.” — Around US Entertainment


The agency offered to discuss possible refunds or compensations with the local event coordinators for fans who may no longer wish to attend the events.

“Hello, this is Around US Entertainment. We regret to inform you of this unfortunate news. The South Korean Military Service Law, amended on May 29th of 2018, will prohibit Highlight’s member Yoon Doo Joon’s international travels. Therefore, he will not be able to attend the June 9th Hanoi K-Food Event and the June 24th Bangkok Fan Meeting. We hope Highlight’s most supportive Korean and international fans understand. The agency will discuss reimbursement options with the local event coordinators, for the fans who purchased tickets for the Bangkok fan meeting but no longer wish to attend because of Doojoon’s absence. Thank you.” — Around US Entertainment

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