Openly Gay K-Pop Idol HOLLAND Regrets Talk Show Appearance

Openly gay K-Pop idol HOLLAND expressed his regret about appearing on a talk show years ago.
HOLLAND posted a statement in both Korean and English via his X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram accounts.
저는 제 나름의 소신을 가지고 있습니다. 그것은 제가 가진 정체성을 웃음거리로 소비하며 스스로의 가치를 낮추는 행동을 하지 않는다는 것입니다.
한국은 아직 동성애자들에 대한 사회적 인식이 부족한 현실입니다. 다양성이 존중되고 성 정체성에 대한 이해도가 높은 문화가 자리 잡은 다른…
— HOLLAND (@HOLLAND_vvv) December 12, 2024
HOLLAND opened up about how Korean media has stereotypically portrayed the LGBTQIA+ community negatively. He believes South Korea “still lacks proper awareness and acceptance.”

Since the LGBTQIA+ community struggles to gain recognition in Korean society, HOLLAND believes queer influencers tend to exploit themselves, focusing only on “provocative aspects.”

HOLLAND once accepted an offer to appear on a talk show, as he was a rising celebrity. He regretted the decision, though, believing it was a mistake that could have contributed to other sexual minorities’ “discomfort.” He has since declined similar offers, worried about the situation repeating.

Fans commended HOLLAND for his statement, expressing their support for his message. Yet, others were curious what made HOLLAND release such a statement and even apologize for an old TV show appearance. They speculated what triggered his late-night thoughts.
The talk show appearance appeared to be seven years ago. Yet, the video clip on YouTube appears to be privated.
Holland really packed all of his stuff into a bag and ran away from home on the day of the release of his mv because he was so afraid of his parents telling him to get out of the house for being gay is so heartbreaking and they decided to joke about that ? + saying it's mental
— mimo⁷ (@mimomono) November 15, 2018
Here it is ! Correction. He didn't run away from home on the day of his mv release. He was already away from home for a while before his mv was released bcs he was afraid of his parents' reaction
— mimo⁷ (@mimomono) November 15, 2018