Park Yoochun’s Ex-Fiancée Suspected Of Drug Trafficking And Connection To Burning Sun

Here’s how she’s connected.

Reports claim that Hwang Hana, JYJ Park Yoochun‘s ex-fiancée was able to avoid getting investigated for illegal drug use despite suspicions that claim she’s guilty.

A college student was recently sentenced to prison after being found guilty of using and trafficking the drug Philopon back in January. Hwang Hana’s name came up numerous times during his case. It claimed Hwang Hana gave Philopon to the student.


Despite the reports, Hwang Hana was not called in for an investigation nor charges. She was also caught up in a drug scandal back in 2011 but seeing as she’s continually been let off, netizens believe Hwang Hana is getting special treatment.


Hwang Hana is famous as Park Yoochun’s ex-fiancée, but she’s also famous for being the only granddaughter of Namyang Dairy Products’ founder. The dairy company is one of South Korea’s largest dairy manufacturers.


Hwang Hana is also connected to the recent Burning Sun scandal as she was spotted in a photo with the club’s CEO. She’s also previously posted about attending the club with CN Blue‘s Lee Jonghyun and FT ISLAND‘s Choi Jonghoon who are both deeply involved with the recent scandal.

Park Yoochun vs. Hwang Hana's Scandal

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