HYBE’s Digital Photo Card Exchange Platform Momentica Apologizes For Using SM RIIZE’s Photos Without Consent

Amid all the issues HYBE is currently experiencing, they have encountered another problem with their digital photo card exchange platform, Momentica. This platform is a joint venture created by HYBE and Dunamo, and they recently posted an apology for stealing the portrait of another agency’s artists without prior consent.
안녕하세요, 모먼티카 입니다.
금일 오픈 예정이었던 라이즈 포카 도감은 진행이 불가하게 되었음을 공지드립니다.모먼티카 SNS 홍보 게시물에 라이즈 초상을 SM 사전 동의없이 사용하여 SM측으로부터 문제 제기를 받았습니다.
사전에 충분한 검토 및 협의가 부족했던 부분에 대해 SM측과 서비스를…— MOMENTICA (@Momentica_twt) April 23, 2024
Hello, this is MOMENTICA. We would like to inform you that the RIIZE photo cards scheduled to open today will no longer be available. SM notified us of using RIIZE’s portraits in a promotional post for MOMENTICA without SM’s prior consent. We apologize to SM and the fans waiting for the service for the lack of sufficient consultation in advance. MOMENTICA will work harder to bring better service. Thank you.
Previously, the platform had provided services for HYBE artists. However, after checking, it was revealed that SM did not discuss any collaboration with Momentica. An entertainment official stated, “With the growing importance of K-Pop in the economy, companies providing services need to pay more attention as they can be legally responsible if they operate without consultation.”
Fans were also in disbelief that a company as big as HYBE would make a mistake like this.
뭐하세연..ㅋㅋ https://t.co/cH4cAY4vEi
— 다마네기 (@O0ni0n) April 23, 2024
What are you guys even doing…
모바일포카는무슨 https://t.co/Sg09KpASgs— 제이 (@noeyeac) April 23, 2024
This is just hilarious. It’s better, actually. Who needs mobile photo cards anyway…
아니 ㅁㅊ 혼자서 뭐함? https://t.co/g3tEcmF14m
— 히빈 (@h_1bin) April 23, 2024
Wait this is crazy…what are they doing by themselves?
좀 웃어도 되는 부분? 장사 원투데이 한 것도 아니고 장난하나 https://t.co/uavFDb4Z9b
— lalalalala (@lala926904) April 23, 2024
The funny part? They’ve been in the business for so long and yet…are you kidding me.
사전동의없이….? 이건 아니지예 https://t.co/tj7fQgjgUA
— 리주 (@cocomaylee) April 23, 2024
Without prior consent? This isn’t right…
끝나버렸다 난 시작도 안해봤는데..
아닝 나 애초에 모먼티카가 뭔지도 몰라잉 .. https://t.co/CPRjR1Sc20
— 𝙮𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙪𝙡✨ (@Yoonseul_4321) April 23, 2024
It’s already the end and I haven’t even started it. Wait, actually I didn’t even know what Momentica was…
On the other hand, the purpose of this platform was to digitize photo cards, which they thought were becoming a necessity in K-pop fandoms.