How Hyeri’s Luck Turned Her Summer Break Into Her Big Break In The K-Pop Industry

She was not prepared for it at all.

Idol-turned-actress Hyeri recently shared her amusing audition story during a recent YouTube appearance.

Hyeri | @hyeri_0609/Instagram

Hyeri was the special guest in the latest episode of DEX’s YouTube showDex’s Fridge Interview. During their conversation, the host mentioned that Hyeri debuted with Girl’s Day at just 17 years old, which shocked her. She responded, “I debuted in 2010. But doesn’t it seem like it hasn’t been that long? It was 14 years ago.”

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Hyeri (left) and Dex (right)

She then shared the incredible way she ended up winning a spot among the trainees. Hyeri explained that she joined her friend for an audition simply as a placeholder but ended up getting cast! “I just got really lucky,” she explained.

A friend asked me for a favor. There was this audition, and they were short one person, so they asked if I could just fill it. I had no idea what I was doing or what was expected of me. They said they just needed someone to make up the numbers, so I went.

— Hyeri

The singer continued, sharing that she ended up getting cast and joined the Girl’s Day lineup midway through its debut preparation. She was a trainee for a very short time before being introduced as the new member of the group!

Girl’s Day was already preparing for an album, so they needed to bring me in quickly…I auditioned around July or August…and debuted in October

— Hyeri

Hyeri mentioned that when she was younger, she believed that becoming a star required something extra that she didn’t have, despite having the dream of becoming a celebrity. But in reality, she unassumingly went to an audition during her summer break and ended up kickstarting her prolific career as an idol and actress!

You can watch Hyeri’s full interview here:

Girl's Day

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