HyunA Reveals 100% No-Makeup Look, Receives Praise From Netizens

“She looks so much better without makeup”

HyunA has revealed a complete no-makeup look through her upcoming Grazia photoshoot and has been receiving praise from netizens.


HyunA, who generally opted for a darker makeup look, often emphasized with bright red lipstick, has shown a different side of herself through a new photoshoot for Grazia.


HyunA boldly removed all makeup down to base makeup for the natural concept of the photoshoot.


While HyunA’s image has thus been more on the sexy side, these photos show that she can pull off basically any look she wants!


The idol revealed that she personally prefers a vintage-style look in an interview and it seems like the concept for her Grazia shoot matched well with her own preference.


Fans have been praising the HyunA for her natural beauty and complimenting her on her new look.

  • “She looks so much better without makeup”
  • “Do this look from now on, you can be an actress”
  • “It looks like you’ve hidden your true self until now with weird makeup. You look natural and beautiful. Let’s stick to this look.”
  • “She looks pretty even with light makeup”
  • “Wow she looks really pretty for having no makeup”
  • “Pretty pretty”
  • “Her natural face is really pretty…I’m…jealous…ㅎㅎ”
  • “She looks 10 times better without makeup and without lipstick”
  • “She’s seriously gorgeous”
  • “Light makeup would look so much better on her…She looks really beautiful now”
  • “How is she so pretty? She just gets more and more beautiful. The HyunA in those pictures look more natural and much more beautiful than when she’s on stage.”
  • “Much more beautiful”


Check out more photos from the photoshoot below:

Source: Newsen
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