ILY:1 Experiencing Massive Mental Stress Due To “Anxiety Inducing Messages,” Agency Begs Fans To Stop

They listed specific types of messages that are legally prohibited.

Members of ILY:1 are facing significant mental stress due to distressing messages sent via social media and communication apps, according to their agency FCENM. The company recently released a statement begging fans to be more considerate.

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According to FCENM, the artists have been receiving numerous messages that incite fear and anxiety, leading to severe psychological strain. The agency emphasized that while the artists cherish their fans and wish to maintain close and positive interactions, certain harmful comments are causing emotional damage.

| @fcenm_ily1/Instagram

In their statement, FCENM requested that fans be mindful of their words when using features like the message reply function and live comment sections.

“Hello, this is FCENM.

Recently, our artists have been experiencing significant mental stress due to individuals sending messages through personal social media and communication apps that cause fear or anxiety. We earnestly ask you to refrain from making comments that could hurt the artists’ feelings, as they wish to communicate closely and share more love with their fans.

When using the message reply or live comment features, please refer to the following guidelines to avoid any inconvenience. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation to help create a healthy fan culture alongside our artists.

We will do our utmost to protect our artists through continuous monitoring.

Thank you.”



The agency also outlined and listed specific types of messages that are legally prohibited in their statement.

The following are legally prohibited when using the reply function:

– Obscene symbols or text, or severe profanity

– Information that defames the artist or third parties

– Information that baselessly criticizes the artist

– Symbols or text that induce fear or anxiety

– Content that is generally considered disgusting or repulsive

– Sending identical or similar replies continuously/repeatedly

– Information related to gambling activities prohibited by law

– Information intended for or aiding criminal activities

– Any other content prohibited by law

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Lastly, FCENM urged fans to help them create a safer and more positive environment where the ILY:1 members can thrive. It remains to be seen if their pleas will be heard.

Source: FCENM
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