Indian K-Drama Fans Outraged Over Netflix Not Adding New K-Dramas

Netflix is delaying the release, much to Indian subscribers’ dismay.

Indian K-Drama fans are upset over Netflix not adding King the Land and See You in My 19th Life to their region.

Im Yoon Ah (left) and Lee Jun Ho (right) in “King the Land” | JTBC
Shin Hye Sun (left) and Ahn Bo Hyun (right) | Netflix

Both JTBC‘s new romantic-comedy K-Drama King the Land, starring Lee Jun Ho (also known as 2PM‘s Junho) and Im Yoon Ah (Girls’ Generation‘s Yoona), and tvN‘s new Webtoon-adapted K-Drama See You in My 19th Life, starring Ahn Bo Hyun and Shin Hye Sun, premiered with their first two episodes this past weekend. Many international viewers watched via the streaming service Netflix. Yet, Indian subscribers did not have the option.

Indian Netflix users took to social media to express their frustration over the streaming service not including the new K-Dramas in their region. The comment section of each related post is filled with dissatisfied subscribers.

Indian netizens are demanding answers from Netflix. Many have requested that both King the Land and See You in My 19th Life be added simultaneously as the rest of the world.

The reason for the K-Dramas not appearing on Netflix India is actually that their release is delayed. Apparently, the shows will be added later in July.

The streaming service is not just adding subtitles but working on a dub in Hindi for Indian subscribers. But as many subscribers pointed out, most K-Drama fans prefer to watch in the original language with subtitles. Also, India is a large, diverse country with many languages. So, to delay adding the K-Dramas for just one language not even spoken by all Indians doesn’t make much sense.


They have threatened to either unsubscribe or use other services unless Netflix adds the new K-Dramas timely.

Hopefully, Netflix will pay attention to its social media posts’ comment sections and takes their subscribers’ requests seriously. Otherwise, Indian K-Drama fans will have to wait a while and avoid spoilers while the rest of the world gets to watch.

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