International Fans Defend Bang Si Hyuk Amidst Claims He “Mistreated” NewJeans

Is it a cultural difference?

This article is part of our coverage of HYBE vs. ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin. You can read more and view the entire timeline here.

On May 13, Ilgan Sports published an email sent from HYBE subsidiary ADOR on behalf of the NewJeans members’ parents to HYBE. The email criticized the company for “exploiting” and “mistreating” NewJeans. An example of the mistreatment was that HYBE founder and chairman Bang Si Hyuk (also known as Hitman Bang or Bang PD) purposefully “ignored” the NewJeans members whenever they would greet them.

Whenever the NewJeans members encountered Bang Si Hyuk in the company building, we wondered why Bang Si Hyuk would pretend not to recognize the members and turn a blind eye to their greetings. At first, we didn’t believe our children, thinking, ‘Oh, he probably just didn’t recognize you then,’ so we attempted to verify this.

However, since this issue has happened several times, with different dates and locations, even when it was just Bang Si Hyuk and the members, we believe there is no other possibility except recognizing that they are, in fact, NewJeans.

— NewJeans’ parents

NewJeans | ADOR

NewJeans members’ parents felt it was basic manners to accept their children’s greetings. They felt embarrassed after learning about this alleged mistreatment.

Even if you don’t recognize the NewJeans members, it’s just basic manners to accept someone’s greetings when they say hello first. Is that so difficult?

As parents, we were embarrassed and had nothing to say about this childish situation after hearing that it wasn’t just once or twice where they were deliberately avoided, but examples such as they were embarrassed that they were being ignored so they just stood in the elevator with blank expressions or noticing that he was pretending to not see them. They are just middle and high schoolers.

— NewJeans’ parents

Bang Si Hyuk
Bang Si Hyuk | HYBE

Korean netizens reacted in agreement with NewJeans’ parents. They felt that Bang Si Hyuk was in the wrong, calling his actions “loser” behavior.

| theqoo
  • “Why is an adult acting like that towards children? I’m so embarrassed for him.”
  • “Wow, lol.”
  • “Why is he like that? What a loser.”
  • “This is even worse than I thought. I never want to see him again.”
  • “Wow, isn’t he old enough to be their parents? He’s the epitome of a loser beta male. It’s not like they are some random children, they are his artist.”
  • “He’s the biggest loser.”
  • “Let NewJeans go…”

On the other hand, international netizens defended Bang Si Hyuk. Many felt that it was simply an everyday scenario of one’s boss not acknowledging them, which most experience regularly and are used to.

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Netizens also believe that Bang Si Hyuk did the right thing. Many feel that it’s only suitable that the chairman, who is an older man, not become too friendly with NewJeans, as they are all very young girls.


They argued that Bang Si Hyuk behaved professionally, as a chairman should, concerning young artists. Some claimed that this is also typical behavior for him, as he is not known to be overly friendly with his labels’ artists. In a previous interview with CNN, he explained that he supports the labels’ independence and that BTS is the only group who might consider him more than just a boss, as they have known each other for over a decade, starting from Big Hit Entertainment.

Ignoring one’s greeting is not necessarily a big deal everywhere, especially in Western countries. Yet, in Korea, greetings are made by bowing, which communicates respect, and it can be considered very disrespectful not to acknowledge it. Juniors are obligated to bow to their seniors, and it is customary for seniors to recognize their juniors, whether vocally or by returning a less accentuated bow.

In the workplace, Seniors do not have to bow when greeted by their juniors. It is customary for Seniors to acknowledge their juniors vocally or even bow themselves. | Seoul Shinmun
In the workplace, seniors do not have to bow when greeted by their juniors. Yet, it is customary for seniors to acknowledge their juniors vocally or even bow themselves. | Seoul Shinmun

Knowing the cultural context, do you think Bang Si Hyuk did the right thing, or did he truly mistreat NewJeans?

Source: theqoo

HYBE vs. ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin

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