Seungri Accused Of Owing People Hundreds Of Thousands And Going MIA

He owes them a lot of money.

An IOU recently surfaced on Weibo, where it was claimed that Seungri owned them millions. On the IOU it states that Seungri, real name Lee Seung Hyun, would pay them ₩350 million KRW (about $258,000 USD). It is even sealed with his personal stamp.

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Agreement document. | Weibo


1. I will pay [name redacted] ₩350 million KRW (about $258,000 USD).

2. Regarding the payment period and method, it will be mutually agreed upon after discussion.

3. But, if anything regarding this agreement gets leaked to a third party, it will render this agreement useless.


Signed by Lee Seung Hyun”

— Agreement’s contents

The agreement was signed on September 8, 2019. As for why they chose to reveal the agreement despite the clause that renders it useless upon sharing, the person who uploaded the picture explained that Seungri had been dodging their messages throughout the year, leading to them deciding to publish the agreement.

“Mr. Lee Seungri signed the debt agreement on September 8, 2019 but still hasn’t repaid me and my friend. During the years when Mr. Lee Seungri was in prison and the military, in consideration of the special circumstances, I and my friend didn’t follow up on the repayment out of the goodness of our hearts. However, it’s been a year since his release, but he’s been avoiding this matter and not responding on WeChat. The debt agreement states, ‘If this gets revealed in the media, this agreement would be voided.’ As Lee Seungri has the status of a famous celebrity, we chose to believe he’d repay the money and felt it’s best to resolve this matter privately. However, based on his attitude in not responding, we believe he’s not going to repay us. After discussing the matter with a lawyer, we decided to reveal this debt agreement. Our lawyer believes ‘If this gets revealed in the media, this agreement would be voided.’ is an unreasonable and unfair term and would not be supported by the law. Hopefully Lee Seungri will get in touch proactively and repay the money sooner rather than later.”

— Debtor

On the other hand, they also included proof of their acquaintance with Seungri, adding a photo of his WeChat account and posts.

| Weibo

They also added a screenshot of their conversation with him.

WeChat messages. | Weibo

They gave him sufficient warning.

  • “…adding the principle of 210 million won, you need to repay a total of 527.3 million won.”[debt agreement]” Please respond to us while we’re still able to resolve this problem. Thank you. Don’t make us go for our last resort.”
  • “If we don’t receive the repayment before March 27, we will sue in the Korean courts and conduct interviews with the Chinese and Korean media. Sorry….it’s complicated…we waited for you for several…I apologize, I no longer trust…”
  • “Hello Seungri,…gave me a call, but we refuse to wait indefinitely. Your side already knows what’s going on, but I still haven’t received a response from you, so I sued through a lawyer as planned. We will propose for all legal fees to be paid by the defendant. Keep an eye out for emails, mail, and legal notices.”

It seems like he still has yet to reply to the situation and to his debtors.

Source: Weibo
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