“Is That An iPhone?” BTS’s Suga Beats The Infidelity Accusations Towards Samsung

After thorough investigation, fans reached a different conclusion.

Brand endorsement is no big deal for K-Pop stars, but there are very few people who are as dedicated as BTS‘s Suga in his endorsement of Samsung phones.

BTS’s Suga modeling for Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4

The BTS member even outdoes the rest of his group in his strict loyalty to the brand. Back when all the members were decently active on Twitter, ARMYs didn’t fail to notice how only Suga’s tweets were sent through an Android. He would also be spotted with Samsung devices at public appearances, proving that his endorsement of the products is backed by his personal preferences.

During his recent solo tour in the U.S., the rapper started doing an encore segment where he would choose one audience member and film himself on their phone for a few seconds. During one of the shows, Suga was seen taking his sweet time analyzing all the phones held up in front of him and finally chose a Samsung Galaxy. Then, he declared that he would choose only Samsung phones and “no iPhones.”

Fans went into a frenzy, trying to get their hands on the nearest Samsung mobile, and it resulted in some hilariously creative attempts to appease Suga’s demand.

But the BTS member’s recent Instagram story had ARMYs worried that he might have ditched his longstanding loyalty to Samungs for an iPhone.

On his story, Suga posted a photo of his computer screen, showing the opening page of the game Diablo, with the caption, “I have returned to hell for you.” This is the same game whose original soundtrack includes a song called “Lillith,” where Suga collaborated with Halsey.

| @agustd/Instagram

Fans noticed that Suga’s reflection was caught on the glowing computer screen, and he was holding up a mobile phone that resembled an iPhone way too closely. This led to many speculating whether he, too, had been lured to the other side.

But as part-time detectives, ARMYs pulled up receipts to prove Suga’s innocence of this seeming betrayal. In the past, the rapper has been spotted with the same phone cover while using what was clearly a Samsung phone!

At this point, it’s proven that as long as Suga stands, Samsung is never taking the L.


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