ITZY Are The Cutest Gamers Ever In New Pokémon Ad

Everybody will “WANNABE” a legend after they see this.

It was announced recently that ITZY would be partnering with The Pokémon Company to promote their most recent title, Pokémon Legends: Arceus. On February 9th, they released their first advertisement of the collaboration!

The advertisement features their 2020 song “WANNABE,” which goes along perfectly with the franchise’s iconic phrase, “I wanna be the very best.”

| Pokémon Asia ENG/YouTube

You can see the girls dancing around with little round likenesses of Pokémon such as Shinx, which Ryujin holds.

| Pokémon Asia ENG/YouTube

Yuna has Happiny, and you can see Chaeryoung‘s Pachirisu in the back as well!

| Pokémon Asia ENG/YouTube

Of course, it wouldn’t be complete without all the girls holding Pokéballs.

| Pokémon Asia ENG/YouTube

They even end the ad with some adorable footage of them playing the game!

| Pokémon Asia ENG/YouTube
| Pokémon Asia ENG/YouTube
| Pokémon Asia ENG/YouTube

Fans of Pokémon who are MIDZYs must be over the moon that this collab is actually happening, and we can totally relate! You can watch the full clip below.

A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that “WANNABE” was released in 2019. It was released in 2020.

Source: Pokémon Asia ENG


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