IU Undeservingly Criticized for Her Recent Post in Light of the “Nth Room” Scandal

“I really don’t want to say this, but this is not right.” – Netizen

IU recently posted behind-the-scenes photos of herself posing for W Korea, but she was hit with heavy criticism shortly after for posting such photos during the “Nth Room” scandal.

Although many fans enjoyed IU’s gorgeous photos, some didn’t think it was appropriate under the circumstances.

In the comment section of one online community, netizens left all sorts of negative comments calling IU’s post inappropriate.


One netizen even shared, “I really don’t want to say this, but this is not right.

But other fans of IU came to her defense expressing that such malicious commenters need to be charged.

It was recently reported that a chatroom called “Nth Room” on an application called Telegram sexually assaulted underage girls and produced videos that were shared for members of the group to see.

Although one of the main administrators of the group, Cho Joo Bin has been arrested and exposed to the public, the petition to expose everyone involved is still ongoing.

Regarding the malicious comments, IU’s agency announced that they will be taking legal measures for those leaving malicious comments on her posts.

Source: Insight

Nth Room Sex Abuse Case

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