Fan Reached Out To IU About Life’s Struggles, IU Responded With A Surprising Response

IU and her fandom have an unbreakable bond!

A fan of IU posted on the official fan cafe that she’ll be facing a difficult year, now that she’s entered her senior year of high school.


IU immediately responded with a heartwarming comment, asking the other fans in her fandom to cheer the fan on!


And the OP fan was showered with the support of other Uaenas!


The heartwarming bond between IU and her fandom is well known throughout the industry! IU’s always made it her priority to respond to her fans and create a community that helps and supports each other at all times!


One fan once thanked IU for posting a photo of her gift to Instagram.


IU responded with her most sincere gratitude and asked her fans to clap for the OP too!


And of course, the fandom was right there and ready to shower the OP with love!


An angel with a fandom full of angels!

Source: Nate Pann


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