The First K-Pop Group To Have A “12 And Under” Discount On Tickets For Their Exhibition

They have the most young fans amongst K-Pop groups.

One of the most popular groups amongst elementary school children is none other than IVE! The girl group uniquely has a huge majority of fans from the younger age categories! Their nickname in South Korea is even “The President of Elementary Schoolers.” This honor is only bestowed to a few — Pororo, Tini Ping, and now IVE!

A few fansites decided to host a joint exhibition for the girls. The exhibition would commemorate their 2nd anniversary! As with most fan-hosted exhibitions, a nominal fee is collected for entrance. With the fee, not only do you get to enjoy the exhibit, but you will also be given merchandise. For the Dive Into IVE exhibition, you can pre-purchase tickets for ₩12,000 KRW (about $8.85 USD). This will give you a special physical ticket, a regular ticket, a ticket holder, a letter, a group poster, and six printed photos. For those who purchase on the spot, the tickets are cheaper at [lrw]10000[/krw], but you get less merchandise.

Exhibition information. | @diveintoive121/Twitter

What was unique was the little note below the ticket prices. The event announced that anyone born after 2011 (12 years and under) would be given a 50% discount for onsite ticket purchases. This takes into account the fact that the group has many young fans who would want to go as well. At ₩5,000 KRW (about $3.69 USD) per ticket, it’s a steal! The discount does not apply to pre-purchases, a smart move, given that younger fans probably don’t have access to bank transfers.

Exhibition poster. | @diveintoive121/Twitter

They even addressed these young fans as “baby DIVES!” They’re probably the only group with so many young fans at the moment. The adorable special note was entertaining to many netizens.

Netizen reactions. | theqoo
  • Crazy. This is the first time I’m seeing a notice from another company and finding it cute.
  • Is it an exhibition by the fansites?
  • Baby DIVES. LOOOL. So cute.
  • Gasp, but this somehow is so sweet.
  • Adult DIVES are loving this.
  • Ah, so cute.
  • Ah, LOOL.
  • They really said “baby DIVES.” So cute, FR.

This is the first fanheld event for K-Pop that takes into consideration the young ages (and wallets) of fans!

Source: theqoo


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