Jae Removed From DAY6’s Group Photos

MyDays have mixed feelings.

Recently, Jae (also known as eaJ) has been removed from DAY6‘s group photos.

Jae | JYP Entertainment

On DAY6’s official Spotify page, Jae is no longer included in the group’s photo. Instead, it’s just Wonpil, Young K, Dowoon, and Sungjin.

From left: Wonpil, Young K, Dowoon, and Sungjin | DAY6/Spotify

The photo also hits differently as the original contained all five members. An editor had to Photoshop him out of the group photo from DAY6’s The Book of Us: Negentropy – Chaos Swallowed Up in Love.

From left: Wonpil, Jae, Young K, Dowoon, and Sungjin | JYP Entertainment

However, Spotify has the original photo as the cover of the “This Is DAY6” playlist.

| Spotify

This is not the only group photo in which Jae has been edited out. He has been cropped out of a 2018 group photo for the band’s Wikipedia page. Additionally, he is listed as a “past member.”

| Wikipedia

On January 1, 2022, at 12 AM KST, Jae announced that he would be taking a hiatus from the band. This also apparently meant that he would officially be leaving JYP Entertainment after months of MyDays’ (fans of DAY6) speculating that he already had.

Hello My Day.

I am sincerely grateful for everyone who has been with DAY6 and me. For the past six years, I have had a very happy time and made memories that will last forever with me. I have had a lot of thoughts and ideas, and put in a lot of work, but I am still lacking in many ways, so I can’t stay where I am right now.

After discussing with JYP, I am sorry to tell you that we have made the decision for me to take a break from DAY6’s activities for the time being. I will cherish the memories, from the sweat and journeys together to the crying and rejoice that we felt for the past six years. and will return more improved. This has been DAY6’s Jae.

Thank you!

— Jae

Half a day later, JYP Entertainment shared a contradicting statement. It said that Jae’s contract with the agency had officially been terminated as of December 31, 2021, and that he is no longer a part of DAY6.

| fans.jype.com

Hello, this is JYP Entertainment.

First of all, we would like to apologize to My Days who have been nothing but completely supportive for DAY6. We are sorry for the sudden, shocking news.

As of December 31, 2021, Jae’s contract with the agency has expired. For personal reasons, he will no longer be a part of the team DAY6. We inform you that we reached this conclusion after through discussion and that we respect Jae’s decision to terminate the contract.

While our relationship with Jae has come to an end, we will always support him in his endeavors and wish him the best on this new adventure he has set on.

Additionally, JYP Entertainment will continue to try its best in managing DAY6’s  future activities. We thank you, My Days, for the undivided love and support.

— JYP Entertainment

Since then, we have continued to receive mixed messages. Jae seemed to reassure fans that there would be an OT5 comeback one day.

It’s going to take a little bit of time for the boys to come back and be ready full circle because they’re on military duty, right? So once everyone’s back, we’ll probably sit down, have another discussion, because we already talked about it. I think we’re good. You’re just going to have to trust me. Or if you don’t trust me, trust the boys. That’s all there is to it. So there will be group activities as a whole. In my mind right now, I say yes. I would be very surprised if there came a reality in the future where we did not participate again as DAY6. I don’t know about the name or how that situation’s going to go, but the five of us will most likely be on a stage again.

— Jae via @lunekyh on Twitter

However, things took a turn for the worst after Jae made a distasteful comment about JAMIE during another Twitch live stream. He has since apologized to both MyDays and JAMIE personally. According to JAMIE, the two have also “talked it out.”

Still, many fans found it difficult to forgive him. So, when they noticed that he was no longer included in the group photo for DAY6 on Spotify, they felt it was “deserved.”

| @cringeycass/TikTok

They’re also impressed with the editing specifically of the photo used for Spotify. It was not a simple crop; the editor had to carefully remove Jae from in between two other members.

| @cringeycass/TikTok
| @cringeycass/TikTok

There are still fans who have mixed feelings about it. Some feel like it’s “sad,” especially considering Jae is being removed from photos that we all recognize him to have been a part of.

| @goineverland/Twitter
| @frogefrog_/Twitter

Despite removing Jae from photos on other sites, he is still present on DAY6’s social media accounts. Group photos of him have not been archived on Instagram.

| @day6kilogram/Instagram

The official social media accounts for DAY6 also have continued to follow Jae’s accounts.

| @day6kilogram/Instagram
| day6official/Twitter

So, it seems like for now, MyDays will continue to receive mixed messages on Jae’s position in DAY6.

Source: @cringeycass


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