Jang Jane Hits Back At Malicious Haters Following Her Recent Sexual Assault Confession

She questioned the haters.

Jang Jane recently made the heartbreaking confession that she was sexually assaulted at 18 years old and that she suffered from anxiety, seizures, and difficulty breathing as a result.

| @jangjane_/Instagram

And while many fans showered her with words of support, there were still malicious haters who attacked with insults.

| @jangjane_/Instagram

So Jang Jane took to her Instagram to address the hate.

| @jangjane_/Instagram

In her Instagram Story, Jang Jane expressed,

Why should I be embarrassed about being a victim?

Are you aware that by adding the word ‘attention’, you’re treating it as something to be ashamed of?

Why do you keep trying to maintain the restriction that’s been imposed on the lives of you and your ancestors?

Let me finish it off with this.

This is my wish. I hope the next person hurts less, and things change.

— Jang Jane

Jang Jane also addressed the matter on an Instagram post.

| @jangjane_/Instagram

The full post reads as follows:

Only a small number of people are criticizing me, but I want to look them in the eyes and ask.

I’m someone who sings about the things I’ve experienced. It’s my job to talk about what I’ve been through.

Just like how people ask why that person only talks about their hurt when they’ve been through one hardship after another…

If I had asked myself why such things kept happening to me, would I have endured it?

Would I have moved on without any questions?

Why do such things keep happening to me?

Every time I hope that good things are coming now that a storm had passed, something else always happens.

In that case, do I have to just accept that bad things always happen to me and move on?

I want to ask why the victims are still the bad guys, not the inflictors.

If I tell you I talked about it after 10 years and I’m getting ready to file a lawsuit, would you ask what all the fuss is about?

This wasn’t easy for me to talk about.

I realized I had to talk about this in order to explain my next album and songs, and the reason why I decided to explain this was because I thought this would comfort and motivate people a little more.

Know what’s right or wrong. If you cause a fuss and noisy things happen to me, should I feel humiliated?

— Jang Jane

View this post on Instagram

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Source: Insight
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