Japanese fans celebrate Se7en’s 10th debut anniversary in Japan

Korean male singer Se7en hits an amazing milestone in Japan as he and his Japanese fans celebrate his 10th debut anniversary in the country. 

To celebrate this decade milestone, Japanese fans arranged ads for Se7en to be published on semis and buses in the country with the jacket photo and debut single posted. To this, Se7en gave his sincere thanks to fans on his SNS accounts, writing, “#SE7EN_JPDebut10thAnniversary #Hikari #thankUalways #ThankYouForYourSupport.”

Se7en released his Japanese debut single “Hikari” on February 23, 2005, and while the single did not top the Oricon Charts in its TOP10, still made a relative dent in the TOP30 spot. “Hikari” showed off Se7en’s boyish charms along to a simple but addictive beat with the music video sharing his smooth dance moves.

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