Jay Park Answers Questions About Getting Over Tough Times, His Tiddies, New Music, And More

Get deep and personal with Jay Park!

Jay Park opened up with his fans in a #askJAYPARK Q&A session on Twitter, where he answered a variety of questions ranging from his lifestyle, his sexy tiddies, his upcoming works, MOMOLAND, and more.


1. Coronavirus

Jay Park opened up about the recent self-quarantine routine that’s trending around the globe due to COVID-19, and he shared his advice on how to spend that alone time at home.

2. Lifestyle Goals

Jay Park gave some inspirational advice on his personal lifestyle choices about blocking out hate, working on your best self, and learning to spread love during tough times!

3. Haters

With all his fame, Jay’s no stranger to his fair share of haters. He opened up on his take on malicious comments and how to deal with it.


Does Jay know the latest girl groups? He answered a question about MOMOLAND!

5.Sexy Time

Considering Jay Park is one of the sexiest men alive, his fans can’t help but slide in some sexy questions about their man. And Jay’s never the one to shy away from their questions!

6. His Ideal Type

Are you planning on become Mrs. Jay Park? He just dropped a few things that he’s looking for!

7. The Soju Project

Jay recently revealed that he’s working on his own soju brand, and everyone’s dying to know when it’s dropping! Rest assured, it’s all in the works!

8. Upcoming Music

The golden question everyone’s dying to know! Will Jay be dropping new music in 2020?! He’s not sure (perhaps due to the recent coronavirus pandemic) but he’s got big plans for 2021!

JAYWALKERZ get excited cause 2020 is turning up all Jay Park!

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