Actress Jeon Jong Seo Polarizes Netizens With Her Visual Transformation

She looks completely different.

Actress Jeon Jong Seo recently went to the airport to attend Paris Fashion Week. However, her new appearance drew mixed reactions.

| @wjswhdtj94/Instagram
| @wjswhdtj94/Instagram

In the photos, she sported a new short haircut and minimal makeup.

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| X Sports News

She wore a sweater dress and accessorized with leather details, including tall boots and a handbag.

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| X Sports News

However, the most polarizing part of her look was her styling. Her short hairstyle, combined with minimal makeup, gave her a completely different vibe than fans are used to seeing.

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| TV Report
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| Sports Today

Additionally, she placed a bit of blush underneath her eyes to give her face an trendy “edgy” and “sickly” vibe that can be polarizing.

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| Newsen
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| X Sports News

Netizens were torn in the comments as many opposed her styling while still acknowledging her beauty.

  • “This is the first time I’ve seen her eyes filled with such dark energy, lol. If she was a male idol, she’d be super popular. But since she’s an actress, it seems more divisive. It seems like people prefer softer faces.”
  • “I saw her in a movie and thought she was so pretty, I wanted to get surgery like that. But I hope she changes her makeup style soon. The vibe feels too real and because of that, it’s not appealing.”
  • “Her face is really charming, but I wish she’d stop doing that ‘drunken’ makeup look. It dulls her charm.”
  • “Wow, she’s so skinny.”
  • “Jeon Jong-seo’s vibe is the prettiest these days. She has an aura, and her body is so nice that clothes fit her well. But still, the school violence… what happened with that?”
  • “Ah, she’s really so pretty.”
  • “Wow, she looks like the prettiest celebrity right now.”
  • “She’s just continuing her activities while ignoring the controversy.”
  • “I agree. She’d look more charming if she completely got rid of the blush.”
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| theqoo

Jong Seo’s new look is certainly a change from her usual style seen below.

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| iMBC

Which look do you prefer?

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| X Sports News
Source: theqoo
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