3rd Generation Male Idol Gains Attention For Helping Fans Lead Their Best Life Through His Fancafe

You can fangirl and lead your best life at the same time.

Singer Jeong Sewoon made his debut in 2017, after a successful stint on Produce 101. Through his adorable visuals and calming voice, he’s gained the nickname Ponyo from his loving fans.

5 years into his career, he’s still as endearing as ever. He recently helped overhaul his official fancafe in order to help his fans lead a more productive life. Jeong Sewoon initially made the changes to be more in tune with what his fans are up to, but it ended up turning into a blogging space for fans.

Jeong Sewoon created a few forum threads for fans to log into every day.

Available threads on his fancafe. | theqoo
  • Log of time you woke up today
  • Log of today’s exercise
  • Log of today’s book reading
  • Log of today’s hobby lifestyle

He even created threads for fans to share their studies of language. The “Study ENGLISH” board encourages fans to share an English vocabulary phrase with other fans.

| theqoo

On the other hand, the “Today’s Korean Study” board lets fans share beautiful Korean words and proper grammar practices.

| theqoo

Fans joked that he was basically using his fancafe as a version of Yeolpoomta, a popular app that students use to keep track of their own daily self-development and studies, as well as view other people’s logs for encouragement.


Netizen reactions. | theqoo
  • It’s Yeolpoomta but your bias is running it LOL.
  • He’s cute. Seems like he really wants to know what fans are up to daily.
  • 2 birds in 1 stone LOL. You can fangirl and also lead your best life.
  • He’s forcing everyone to lead their best life LOL. How cute. Seems like he wanted to do something together with fans.
  • Bootcamp to lead your best life LOL.
  • He looks so cute too. Seems like he plays as cute as how he looks.
  • Cute LOL.
  • Wow, lokos fun. You can fangirl and lead your best life at the same time.
  • F*ck I want to do it too.
  • Fancafe to lead your best life LOL.

He’s truly encouraging his fans to lead their best life! Jeong Sewoon is also rewarding the fans that are the most active in the various threads. This means that if you want to win something from him, you have to truly go out there and get it!

Source: theqoo
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