Popular Idol’s Departure Linked To Shocking Alleged Assault by CEO

On September 29, it was announced that Jo would officially depart from DXMON. The idol, who previously went viral for his “sea urchin” hairstyle, was on hiatus before the announcement.

H Music Entertainment confirmed Jo’s departure in a brief statement, revealing that he had taken a break due to health issues.
“Hello, this is H Music Entertainment.
We would like to inform you about the future activities of DXMON and member JO.
Recently, JO took a break due to health reasons, and after in-depth discussions with us, it has been decided that JO will no longer continue activities as part of DXMON.Moving forward, DXMON will continue with a five-member formation, and we kindly ask for your warm support for JO as they embark on a new path.
We deeply appreciate the love and support from all the fans of DXMON.Thank you.”
— H Music Entertainment
Fans were outraged by the announcement due to the notice being behind a fancafe wall and the fact they were left in the dark for the last three months.
Viral Idol’s Unexpected Departure From Beloved Boy Group Sparks Outrage
However, some netizens have linked JO’s departure to an alleged assault.
According to news reports, the Gangnam Police Station received a report around 4:30 AM KST on June 11 that stated that “the agency’s CEO is assaulting the members.” The CEO was alleged to be drunk and to have assaulted the members of the group because their dorm was dirty.
The assault was said to have been done with a blunt object about 90cm long, and the report mentioned that some of the members were minors.

The CEO was booked, but no identity was given at the time.
The assault was said to have taken place on June 11, and the first notice of JO not attending any schedules occurred on the same day, hours later.
SSQ엔터테인먼트입니다.DXMON 민재, JO가 금일(11일) 오전 컨디션 이상 증세를 느껴 곧바로 병원에 갔으며, 휴식과 안정이 필요하다는 의사 소견에 따라 즉시 모든 스케줄을 중단하고 휴식에 취하고 있습니다.
이에 따라 6월 11일 (화), 6월 13일 (목) 예정이었던 메이크스타…
— DXMON (다이몬) (@DXMON_HM) June 11, 2024
This is SSQ Entertainment.DXMON’s Minjae and JO experienced abnormal health symptoms this morning (11th) and were immediately taken to the hospital. Based on the doctor’s recommendation for rest and recovery, they have halted all scheduled activities and are currently focusing on recuperation.
As a result, the MakeStar fan signings scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, and Thursday, June 13, have been postponed. We kindly ask for the fans’ understanding.
Our company prioritizes the health and safety of our artists, and we will do our best to support their full recovery.
Thank you.
— SSQ Entertainment
It was later stated that the idol test positive for COVID, but more notices regarding his health extended his hiatus past June 30. The story was shared on June 18th, with another notice about JO’s health being shared the following day.
Some netizens have put together the details of the case with JO’s departure, sharing the belief that the unnamed group is allegedly DXMON, along with outrage.
남자아이돌 둔기로 폭행 기사 < 6/18
다이몬 조 활동 중지 공지 < 6/19 https://t.co/xFC1aU9bJA pic.twitter.com/cVWQrdfZoU— 초성이(고종선모드off 저능모드on) (@chosung2_) September 29, 2024
대표 양심 쳐 뒤진새끼
고1데려다가 탈모직빵건강개판등신같은 머리 쳐 해놓고
어그로란 어그로는 다 끌어놨으면 모셔도 시원찮을판에
술쳐먹고 지 자식뻘 둔기로 폭행한거보면 답나온다그리고저따위로 공식계정에도 공지 저지랄로 올린거 보면 저 소속사도 믿을거 못된다 그냥 다 나와라 https://t.co/HmwGxHHGQh
— 웨쨀턔배 (@eojjaeltyaebae) September 29, 2024
08년생이잖아…. 아이돌 하고싶어서 데뷔했는데
별 ㅂㅅ같은머리 시키고 어그로 다끌고
숙소 더럽게썼다고 사장한테 폭행당하고 탈퇴라니
미친새끼 https://t.co/VJnm88DSRt— 🍙 (@qtyqtzze) September 29, 2024
미쳣나 애머리로 어그로 다끌어놓고 애를 쳐팸? 미자를? 돌았네미친놈이 https://t.co/94LXCxXBxd
— 군고구마2 (@haagoguma) September 29, 2024
- Article about a male idol assaulted with a blunt object: June 18 Notice of DXMON’s JO halting activities: June 19
- The CEO is a conscience-less b*stard.
Taking in a high schooler and ruining his health with instant baldness, messing up his head like an idiot.
After stirring up all the controversy possible, instead of protecting him, he gets drunk and assaults someone young enough to be his own child with a blunt object — that says it all. - And looking at how they posted that garbage of a notice on the official account, it’s clear that this company can’t be trusted either. Everyone, just leave.
- He was born in 2008… He debuted because he wanted to be an idol, but they made him get some ridiculous haircut, used him for all the attention, and then he gets assaulted by the CEO for supposedly keeping the dorm messy and ends up leaving the group? That’s insane.
- Are they out of their minds? They used the kid’s appearance to stir up all the attention and then beat him up? A minor? They’ve completely lost it—crazy bastard.
There has been no official announcement on the name of the CEO booked, or the group the alleged assault happened to.