2nd Gen Female Idol Shows Off Her Muscular Transformation

Body goals!

Apink‘s Jung Eunji just revealed her new and impressive physique!

| @artist_eunji/Instagram
| @artist_eunji/Instagram

In brand new photos, she shows off her muscle definition.

| Instiz

Not only does she have abs…

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| Instiz

…she also has muscles everywhere!

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| Instiz

Her love of fitness has made her both look and feel strong.

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| Instiz

Suspected of being the lead in new K-Drama 24/7 Fitness Center, this only fuels netizens’ suspicions of her new role!

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| Instiz 

They gushed over her toned body, commenting on just how good she looks.

  • “This unnie is really serious about working out.”
  • “Both wanted a trainer, but… With that body, will they really come out as a beginner?”
  • “Ah, I really like this.”
  • “Wow, this is new…”
  • “Feels like a newbie with experience, hahaha.”
  • “Looks like a seasoned pro’s body.”
  • “Wow, her body is really good.”
  • “Is this a ‘natural-born athlete’ concept, haha?”
Screenshot 2024-07-31 180141
| Instiz
Source: Instiz


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