JYP to release new label “Studio J” featuring G.Soul
JYP Entertainment will be launching their new label Studio J starting with G.Soul on January 19th.
JY Park of JYP Entertainment announced on his Twitter that he will be launching the newest label, Studio J, at midnight January 19th. Studio J was created by JY Park in order to group up artists that have a “deeper and diverse” style of music as opposed to the other groups under JYP Entertainment.
Planned to be launched at 12AM on January 19th, R&B/Soul artist G.Soul will be starting his career at Studio J with his debut. G.Soul had released the teaser video for his song “You” after his 15 years of prior training.
His EP Coming Home will also be released on January 19th with six tracks with lyrics derived from his experience of training in America.
2015 JYP의 새로운방향, 레이블 Studio J를 론칭합니다.버클리음대 출신의 우수한 인재를 책임자로 모시고 대중성보다는 자유롭고 깊이있는 아티스트들을 선보일 계획입니다.오늘밤 열두시 첫가수 G.SOUL! pic.twitter.com/Dfy95NofEk
— JY Park (@followjyp) January 18, 2015
Announcing JYP’s new label ‘Studio J’ for artists with deeper and diverse music starting with G.Soul today midnight! pic.twitter.com/HEvE5Zhc2D
— JY Park (@followjyp) January 18, 2015