JYP Reveals New Girl Group’s Official Name And Logo On Their Website

The debut is closer then ever.

JYP gave fans yet another tease that his new girl group is coming soon!

On the official fans.jyp.com site (the main “JYP” hub for all the JYPE fanclubs and additional artist information), eagle eyed fans noticed that if one tweaks the url a bit, the official logo for the upcoming girl group can be seen!

So for those who don’t have an account, feast your eyes on the goods!

And a closer look:

While unfortunately we don’t have access to high quality screenshots of the logo at this time, we’re even more hyped that the group is coming – and the name is finally confirmed.

We were scared for a few moments after seeing that JYP had copyrighted DEMINALZ a day or so ago, thinking that would be the group’s name.

But we’re so glad JYP decided to go with ITZY!

For those who don’t know, ITZY isn’t just a made up word (or an acronym…we think), but actually has meaning behind it!

ITZY (잇지) sounds similar to the Japanese word 이찌 (ichi), which sounds very close to “chiban” (#1 or best). So at this time, we think ITZY likely means both that the group is striving to be “the best” but also that they hope to always be “#1” in fans’ hearts.

Fans all over the world are hyped for ITZY’s debut (which still doesn’t have an official date other than “early 2019”), but this is a sign that the group’s debut is closer than ever!

ITZY's Debut

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