Kangin Announces He Will Withdraw From Super Junior

He confirmed he will withdraw from Super Junior.

Kangin has announced through his personal Instagram that he will be leaving Super Junior.

On July 11, he posted his personal statement on his Instagram account, apologizing to his group members and his fans.

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안녕하세요. 강인입니다. 정말 오랜만에 여러분들께 소식을 전하네요. 좋지 않은 소식이라 마음이 무겁지만 고심 끝에 글을 올립니다. 저는 이제 오랜 시간 함께했던 ‘슈퍼주니어’란 이름을 놓으려 합니다. 항상 멤버들에게는 미안한 마음뿐이었습니다 하루라도 빨리 결심하는 것이 맞다고 항상 생각해왔지만 못난 저를 변함 없이 응원해 주시는 분들과 회사 식구들이 마음에 걸려 쉽사리 용기 내지 못했고 그 어떤것도 제가 혼자 결정해서는 안된다는 생각도 했습니다 하지만 제 문제로 인해 겪지 않아도 될 일들을 겪는 멤버들을 지켜보면서 더 이상 늦춰서는 안되겠다는 판단을 하게 되었습니다. 무엇보다 14년이란 오랜 시간 동안 언제나 과분한 사랑을 주신 E.L.F. 여러분들께 가장 죄송한 마음입니다. 많이 늦었지만 슈퍼주니어란 이름을 내려놓고 홀로 걷는 길에도 항상 미안함과 고마움을 가슴에 새기고 나아가겠습니다. 끝까지 저를 배려해 준 멤버들과 회사 식구분들께 정말 감사하다는 말씀 드리고 싶습니다. 언제나 슈퍼주니어가 승승장구하기를 응원하겠습니다. 감사합니다.

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Hello, this is Kangin. It has been a very long time since I greeted everyone.
I have a heavy heart because this is bad news, but I am writing this after much thought.

After such a long time, I will be giving up the title of ‘Super Junior’.

I have always felt sorry to the members.
I have always thought it was right thing, to make a decision as soon as possible,
But because of the people and the company staff who would always support my foolish self, my heart would easily be caught and I couldn’t muster up the bravery
I also thought I shouldn’t be deciding things by myself.

But I decided that I shouldn’t delay my decision anymore, watching my members go through things they shouldn’t have to, because of my problems.

Above everything else, I feel the most sorry to E.L.F., for giving me so much love over the past 14 years.
It’s too late to say this, but whether it was with Super Junior or now on my own, I will always feel sorry and thankful, and that feeling will be engraved in my heart.

I’d like to say thank you to the members and the company staff who have cared for me right until the end.

I will always be cheering Super Junior on.

Thank you.

— Kangin

Super Junior’s label under SM Entertainment also confirmed the news, saying they will respect Kangin’s voluntary decision.

Kangin has decided to withdraw from Super Junior on his own decision, and we will respect his intentions.

He still has time left on his exclusive contract with us though.

— Label SJ


Source: TV Report

Super Junior

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