Kim Hieora’s Former Schoolmate Makes Bombshell Revelation — Turns Controversy On Its Head

Kim Hieora’s schoolmate brought out all the receipts!

Content Warning

This article includes descriptions of bullying that may disturb some readers.

A former schoolmate of embattled actress Kim Hieora has stepped up to provide receipts that contradict bullying allegations brought up in a previous Dispatch report.

Kim Hieora

On September 8, an online post titled “Please Read This. I Am Kim Hieora’s Middle School Schoolmate” went viral.

In the post, a netizen writes that they went to the same Middle School as Kim Hieora.

I went to the same Middle School as Kim Hieora, who is currently in the middle of a controversy. We both went to Sangji Girls’ Middle School and  were classmates.

— Netizen

The netizen then writes that the reason she was speaking up was because Kim Hieora was the friend she was most thankful for and that she was sad to see her being alleged as a bully.

The reason why I am writing this is because she was the friend I was most thankful for, and it saddened me to see all of the misunderstanding regarding her.

— Netizen

The post’s author continued stating that in her first year of Middle School, she was ostracized and bullied. Rather than being cursed at or physically hit, her bullies would go over to her house, when they liked, after school to eat and play.

I was at the time ostracized and bullied because I had misspoken about a friend that I had made in my first year of Middle School. In truth, there wasn’t any bullying like cursing or hitting. Instead, they would just meet up at my house and eat ramen and play, but due to my family’s financial situation, this became a burden, but I couldn’t say anything to them. To others, it may not have been much, but I remember feeling small and not being able to stand up for myself.

— Netizen

The netizen then writes that amid this, she met Kim Hieora, who one day also came over to play. The netizen writes that day was the last day she was bullied.

That day was no different. After school ended, (the bullies) said they wanted to come to my house and play. On that day, there was another classmate who I didn’t know very well. That was Hieora. And so they all came over to my house, including Hieora and, on that day, I was free from being bullied.

I am not sure if Hieora remembers, but when she left, she thanked me for the food and told me she was sorry for not helping with the dishes. She told me I seemed nice and said she wanted to become friends with me. Although she may have said that in passing, her words gave me great strength. After they all left, I remember crying for a long time. I can’t forget those kind words, and even now, it brings me to tears.

Anyways, after that day, whenever I saw Hieora, she’d say hi to me and would walk to the school store with me. Naturally, the bullies stopped picking on me, and by our third year, we studied together and gave each other advice. I even went to Hieora’s home… I think we became close. After graduating from  Middle School, we would keep in touch here and there but naturally drifted apart, and I would often check up on how she was doing through her social media. Then I saw her in the drama Beyond Evil, and so I DMed her to thank her before it was too late. I thought she would be too busy to answer, but she thanked me and, invited me to see her perform and told me she missed me. Seeing this, I knew she hadn’t changed.

— Netizen

The actress’s schoolmate then revealed how she remembered Kim Hieora. She was a kind, pretty, and bright student who stood out wherever she went.

Hieora was someone who immediately stood out. Her name was unique, and she had naturally brown hair and brown eyes. She stood out as if she was multiracial. Therefore, even when she was a lot of people, including her Big Sangji friends, you all know she was somebody who you couldn’t stop looking at.

— Netizen

The schoolmate then went on to deny the bullying allegations and stated that Big Sangji wasn’t a gang like previously reported. The schoolmate writes that although it had a few bad apples, Kim Hieora wasn’t one of them.

To be honest, when Kim Hieora’s bullying controversy broke, I thought she was getting unfairly criticized because she had become famous. Because I knew this wasn’t true. To begin with, Big Sangji wasn’t exclusive to bad kids and misfits. There may have been a few bad kids, but Hieora wasn’t one of them. The Hieora I know never bullied anyone and never smoked. She also got along with her teachers. She was a diligent student who was talented. She got good grades and sang well, and I remember she sang by herself during a talent show. She wasn’t someone who intimated others. She got along with other classmates and never made the mood sour. That is why, even today, I tell people around me that she was a good person. School bullying is very damaging to celebrities, but in my memory, she has never done anything to warrant this type of controversy.

— Netizen

The schoolmate then stated how when she looked back at her Middle School days, the reason why she can could so fondly was because of Kim Hieora and again denied that she was a bully.


You may think that I am lying, but I am telling you the whole truth out of fear that if I lie, it may harm Hieora even more. She is really a good person. She is someone that I want to tell everyone about and is a friend that I am proud of. The reason why the memories of my Middle School days sparkle is also because of her.
Although this writing seems biased, I really did only write the truth. I am sorry if you were uncomfortable. Even if you criticize her, please know that she also has a good side, and look over her one more time.

— Netizen

The schoolmate then posted private messages between her and Kim Hieora. In the messages, Kim Hieora can be seen happily responding to her schoolmate.

  • “Hi Hieora. I am ㅇㅇ! I thought if I just said I was Sangji Middle School’s ㅇㅇ, you wouldn’t recognize me. This might be random, but I really wanted to tell you how thankful I am to you! I couldn’t muster up the courage to contact you, but today, for whatever reason, I gathered my courage to tell you that I wanted to thank you for what you did for me in Middle School. I am not sure if you remember me then, you told me I was nice and wanted to be my friend and thanks to you my time at school became easier! You didn’t know that, right? Thank you. I made a lot of memories, and I was thankful to have a friend like you. You are a pivotal part of my Middle School experience, and I really thought of you a lot! I would see how you were doing when I thought of you, but I never could contact you. LOL. Although I haven’t been on Instagram for that long, as soon as I started, I followed your fan page thinking it was you, LOL. Anyway, I think you’ll receive much more love in the near future. You are someone who deserves a lot of love. If the opportunity arises, I really want to watch you perform. Hieora, I am always thankful for you and am rooting for you!”
  • “Oh, hey!!! It’s been so long, and your message touched me so much, LOL. Thank you! I got strength from the message! How are you?”
  • “I’m well! I really miss you, lol. I didn’t think you’d see my message or respond, so I’m glad you did! How are you? You really haven’t changed!”
  • “Same goes for you… You haven’t changed at all, LOL. You’re right. I just saw your message ㅠㅠ. Thank you.”
  • “No, I changed a lot. I was so thankful for you and am glad I was able to deliver my thanks.”
  • “It’s already 20 years ago… We’re old now… I received so much strength from your message. It really touched me.”

What are your thoughts?



Source: theqoo
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