Kim Jaejoong Donates COVID-19 Masks to Japan Following His April Fools Controversy

He’s making an effort to help.

A Japanese non-profit organization called Japan Heart recently announced that Kim Jaejoong participated in a mask donation project for medical professionals in Japan.


According to the organization, the project is an effort to provide hardworking medical professionals in Japan with masks in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This project is not only participated by Kim Jaejoong but many other celebrities and athletes as well.

In addition to this project, Kim Jaejoong recently made a donation of 30 million won (~$25,000 USD) to the Hope Bridge Foundation in Korea.

But on April 1, Kim Jaejoong recently stirred up great controversy by making the April Fools joke that he was diagnosed with COVID-19.

Despite making two apologies, netizens expressed that it didn’t sound sincere and continued to attack the star with criticism.

Central Defense Response Headquarters Reveals It May Be Difficult To Punish Kim Jaejoong For His COVID-19 Joke

As a result, netizens started a petition demanding punishment of the star, and Kim Jaejoong ultimately canceled his April schedule in Japan.

All Of Kim Jaejoong’s April Activities In Japan Cancelled Due To His COVID-19 Scandal


Source: Insight
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