“Knowing Bros” Cast Confronts Criticism After Joking About TWICE, Viewers Debate “The Line”

Funny or rude?

In the latest episode of Knowing Brosactress Chae Soo Bin and SHINee‘s Minho appeared as the cast of Netflix’s K-Drama The Fabulous and explained that their characters are two exes turned friends.

Actress Chae Soo Bin (left) with SHINee’s Minho (right) on “Knowing Bros” | @jtbcbros/Instagram

Upon hearing the complicated background of the relationship between the K-Drama leads, show hosts Lee Soo Geun doubted that exes can remain friends, while Lee Sang Min added, “It’s only possible in K-Dramas.”

Chae Soo Bin and Minho in “The Fabulous” | @NetflixKR/Twitter

Kang Ho Dong asked his fellow show hosts if friendships can emerge from past relationships—to which Chae Soo Bin answered, “No.”


I don’t think it’s possible. For the relationship to continue after it has come to an end, I think it means one of the two people involved still has feelings left. It’s the same for our characters in the show. One of us still has feelings.

— Chae Soo Bin

When it became Heechul‘s turn to answer, the Super Junior member tried to skip the question, insisting that Seo Jang Hoon‘s answer would be more interesting given Kim’s past. Then, Lee Soo Geun playfully snapped at Heechul—complaining that a certain “group” can no longer appear on Knowing Bros because of Heechul.


Heechul: I’m not the main character of that K-Drama here. I’m like a side character, compared to [Seo Jang Hoon].

Lee Soo Geun: But you’re the reason that group can’t come back to our show.

Lee Soo Geun: You have no idea how much we miss them!

Lee Soo Geun: Come on, man! We miss them so much!

Kang Ho Dong: What?!

Lee Soo Geun: WHAT!!!

Though no names were named, viewers could easily tell Lee Soo Geun was hinting at Heechul’s previous relationship with TWICE‘s Momo having ended. Comedian Lee Jin Ho added, “There could be other [girl group members who can’t appear on the show]” because the relationship was never made public.


While Heechul laughed the situation off, viewers flooded to online communities to debate whether the whole conversation had been problematic or not. Some praised the “brave” comments made by the hosts, while others criticized them for being out of line and disrespectful to the person(s) involved.

| theqoo
  • “Wow… Cut it out already.”
  • “Where are their manners toward Momo? I feel terrible for the fans.”
  • “This show is constantly under fire for being rude.”
  • “I was watching this on air because of my bias, but the whole episode crossed the line.”
  • “Heechul reacting like that toward the other show hosts’ comments… Same old.”
  • “This is exactly why I don’t like ‘Knowing Bros.’ It’s f*cking dumb. When will they learn?”
  • “No respect for Momo at all…”
  • “It’s getting really old. So disrespectful. Like sirs, we’re nearing 2023.”
  • “Cheap laughs, really.”
  • “I stopped watching because of sh*t like this…”
  • “Literally what do they want? Is this considered comedy these days?”
  • “It’s better [for TWICE] to stay far from ‘Knowing Bros,’ though.”

This is not the first time Knowing Bros was deemed problematic for alleged “rudeness” in comedic comments made on set. In a previous episode, Lee Soo Geun made “insulting remarks” toward guest DinDin and faced criticism.

“Knowing Bros” Cast Under Fire For Making Insulting Remarks Against DinDin

Watch the full clip below.

Source: Star News and theqoo
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