Korean Baby Hears For The First Time After This Celebrity Paid For The Entire Surgery

A Korean baby couldn’t hear a thing because of an illness, so this celebrity paid for the entire surgery!

Comedian Park Myung Soo surprised everyone by paying to insert an artificial cochlea to help this baby hear for the first time!

The child’s parents couldn’t afford the expensive surgery, and when Park Myung Soo heard their story, he made a donation that would cover it in full.

Thanks to Park Myung Soo’s generous donation, the child is now able to hear his parents’ voices for the first time and continue growing as a normal child.

His parents revealed that they never knew how much their son loved to dance and sing to music until now.

They wrote a letter expressing how thankful they are to Park Myung Soo.

Netizens were amazed to find that Park Myung Soo gave so much happiness to this family because of his usual TV personality that’s full of anger and selfishness.

But Park Myung Soo has actually been donating for kids with hearing loss since 2015!

It’s been reported that Park Myung Soo is a little taken aback by his “secret” having been revealed.

But fans are grateful to the guardian angel who helped a young boy hear for the first time!

Source: Insight

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