Airplane Crew “Lasso” A Man To Prevent Him From Opening A Plane Door Mid-Flight

A different passenger opened a plane door mid-flight in May.

On May 26, 2023, a man on an Asiana Airlines flight opened the plane door mid-air.

The man, who was arrested the following day, explained that he opened the emergency exit because “he felt suffocated and wanted to get off the aircraft quickly.” Because of his actions, nine passengers were sent to the hospital “with breathing difficulties.

A passenger being escorted by emergency responders | News1

Now on June 21, 2023, another man tried opening a plane door mid-flight but was unsuccessful.

While on a flight from the Philippines to South Korea, the 19-year-old man was “acting strangely” and consequently moved close to the exit door at the front of the plane so the flight attendants could monitor him, according to Jeju Airlines.

Example of an airplane door | Business Insider


Eventually, the man rushed toward the emergency door, trying to open it, but the crew reacted quickly, subduing him with “a lasso rope and tie wraps to keep him controlled for the rest of the flight.”

Because of the crews’ quick actions, the door remained closed, and no passengers were harmed during the incident.

Once the plane landed in Seoul, the man was taken into police custody, where they “conducted a simple drug test.” According to CNN, the man tested positive for drugs, and his hair and urine samples were then sent to the National Forensics Service for a complete analysis.

The passenger was stopped by the crew | CNN

To explain his actions, the man told reporters, “I felt like I was being attacked.” Similarly, he had reportedly complained about “pressure” on his chest during the flight.

Stay tuned for any updates.

You can read about a similar previous incident here.

Man Arrested For Opening The Door Of An Asiana Airlines Plane Mid-Flight—Reveals Why He Did It

Source: CNN

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